Giving Back | Mommy and Me Monday | 283rd ed
School starts in just two weeks. And, yes, I’m one of those moms that gets a little excited about the kiddos heading back to school and to their routine. But, we’ll take our last two weeks in stride!
One thing that we don’t have to think about though is food. Our girls do not go without food, but so many children do. During the school year, their free or reduced breakfast and lunch might be the only meals they eat. So, when they are out of school for the summer, they are hungry.
MUST Ministries regularly posts their need to Facebook, and one of which recently was lunches for school-aged kids. I had just been telling Mr. Serious the week before that I was feeling the nudge to do some service or find some way to give to our community and in a way that our kids could help. (We’ve served meals and helped prepare meals before to adults, but the girls can’t come). So, when I saw the post, I made things happen and knew it was meant to be.
I exchanged a couple emails, pulled out my warehouse membership and debit cards and the girls and I all went shopping. We had fun calculating how many boxes of everything we needed to make 250. Okay, maybe only math is fun for me. But, yay math!
Several packages of 100% juice, pretzels and fruit snacks (made from fruit and veggies), and a package of brown paper bags later, we were ready to fill those bags. (They had the sandwiches and fruit already covered, so requested the “lunch setups”).
Many hands make light work, so we brought everything to our Sunday School class to get a little help setting up the bags. Mr. Serious and I stayed up late the night before stamping the bags, and the girls did some in the morning. We couldn’t have plain boring bags.
Less than 30 minutes later, we had all 250 bags packed. The girls were happy to be helping and doing something to give back and I was happy that I took my nudge and moved it all the way into action and completion.
My van is currently all packed up with bags ready to drop off at another church that is a donation point. From there, they will be made into complete lunches and distributed into the community.
Take home message, feel those nudges and act on them. Show your kids that you give back to the community and help them participate. There are a lot of ways to do it, and I know that not everybody can afford something monetary, but there are ways to serve that don’t cost anything. Just find a way to help out.
PS. I’m not posting this here to toot my own horn or receive your praise. Just sharing something we did together like I do every week!
What were you up to this weekend?
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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.
Way to show the girls how to give to the community.
Since I volunteer for our food shelf I’m always happy to see posts like this.
Yes there is an increasing need for families with food!
That is awesome that you guys did this, and also that you share it here on your blog to inspire others!! 🙂 I think it’s so important to get kids involved in helping others as they are growing up.
That is SO SO awesome! I love it. You and your family rock! It is so important to show kids how to help others that may not be as lucky as they are. Raising kids with a grateful and kind heart is so needed today. Well done, mama! Love it!!!!
good for you and listening to the Holy Spirit. I am glad you are showing the girls how to Give.
What a great idea! The kids in our church do this on a smaller scale occasionally during Sunday School to make lunches for the Pastor and church secretary to give out to the homeless during the week. I love any means of giving that involves our kids and helps them see how they too can assist in helping someone else.
We used to do this at the soup kitchen when I was a kid – there wasn’t anything like MUST in our town. Great way to pay it forward with the kids!
I love this idea!
This is amazing! It’s such a great thing to help out starving children and to get your kids involved.