Run and Recovery | Mommy and Me Monday | 562nd ed


The girls’ cross country season has come to an end. Both girls finished their last race with their best times and were awarded runner of the week because of it! Having kids that are active and participating in a sport makes both Mr. Serious and myself so happy and proud. Now that the season is over, they still have to continue with runs on their own so they keep up their pace and fitness level. 

While they will run in our neighborhood and on the treadmill, they still have to get out and run on trails and off-road. This weekend, the oldest ran with some of the girls that have extended the season a few weeks, and I brought N along to do her run as well. While the oldest ran over 5 miles, N and I set out to run 3.5 miles on a new to us trail. I’m pretty sure this is like the second farthest I’ve ever run. 

We decided to pick a 60 minute marathon-themed run in the Peloton app and shared a pair of headphones. If you haven’t tried Peloton out, their digital library alone is fabulous. I can run and they distract me and then I’m done!

We found our grove and finished our 3.5 miles (or maybe 3.8 miles as we both had different distances on our watches) and walked the remaining 1.5 miles to finish the loop. Then we took a picture because we made it. 

Mommy and me monday- n and me 3.5 mile run

And also, look how gorgeous it is on this trail. We even saw a couple deer. Also of note, we didn’t get lost. We tried twice, but we figured it out. Neither of us got frustrated and we kept our 12-13 minute pace for run. And we completed it with smiles on our face (see that picture up there). Thankfully, we had really nice weather which helped a ton. 

At home, B treated me to some muscle recovery (after our total body weights, too….I don’t recommend doing both). She loves to use the massage gun (go check it out…it’s under $200!) to help loosen up my muscles. I don’t complain with her recovery help one bit! Now I just need a massage table so I don’t get a crick in my neck while she does it. 

B massage with exogun

Sunday’s recovery was a little nicer. Mr. Serious and I had a 4 mile walk and then I got some snuggles from B. She prefers silly snuggles, but I’ll take what I can get these days. 

I don’t know if I ever shared that Mr. Serious painted our room for my birthday/Mother’s Day, but I’;m so glad he did. It’s so much more fresh and brighter. I also removed our heavy curtains and just left up the blinds. 

downtime with b mommy and me monday

Going to bed last night, I told Mr. Serious we’ve got another Monday coming up. I don’t know how this weird timing in life is working out. It’s going slow as molasses and yet, it’s almost Thanksgiving. I have no idea what to make of it, but just to try to do the best we can while wearing masks, keeping our distance and staying safe. 


GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.


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  1. Love reading your blog. I have been trying to lose my post pregnancy weight for so long, and reading your blog gives me so much motivation. I have also started a self care & skincare routine and it makes me feel oh so great ! Would recommend this to every mom!

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