Movies for the 4th of July on Netflix


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With the 4th of July in sight already (seriously, our summer is half way over already!!) I thought I would put together a list of movies to stream during the holiday weekend. Some oldies but goodies, some for the family and some for the grown-ups. 

Forrest Gump

If you can get through Forrest Gump without wanting a box of chocolates or some shrimp, I commend you. If you can get through it without crying, I’m totally impressed. And if you don’t get those references, you must watch it. Maybe twice! If I see it, I pretty much have to watch it! I love how they pulled in clips and story lines from history. 

Independence Day Movies | Forrest Gump

Top Gun

Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Goose (aka Anthony Edwards) and Meg Ryan? It’s a classic. And, yes, the plane was inverted! Plus, the beach volleyball scene screams summer!

Netflix for independence day | Top Gun

National Treasure

It’s fun to see all of the “history” from the Constitution and the dollar bill and the story that ensues. It’s quite the adventure.

netflix independce day | National Treasure

Penguins of Madagascar: The Movie

This isn’t really 4th of July related, but my husband and kids crack up watching this movie. I don’t think I’ve heard them collectively laugh this hard together. And, then to hear them talking about it afterwards? It’s awesome.

Penguins of Madagascar

What are you going to be streaming this next holiday weekend?

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One Comment

  1. pat chance says:

    I agree, all excellent choices.

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