Telling the girls…you’re going to have a little…


After our appointment, we were excited to share the new pictures of our baby girl with her big sisters.

And, they were excited, too.  Big sister #1 was awesome at looking at the pictures.  She pointed out all of the body parts (even daddy has a hard time with that).

looking at our baby sister

looking at our baby sister


looking at our baby sister

looking at our baby sister

Big Sister #2 had a harder time figuring things out, but thought it was fun to point and ask, too.  “What’s this?  What’s that?”

looking at our baby sister

Always moving.  Now daddy’s pointing things out (mommy might or might not have helped out).

looking at our baby sister

This one said “BABY GIRL” on it.  We thought the biggest sister would be able to read it and tell everybody what it said.  But, she had a little bit of trouble with the words.  (I guess they aren’t the most phonetic.)

looking at our baby sister

With a little help, she said “GIRL? It’s a girl.”  I think it’s safe to say she’s just as exited and happy as we are!

looking at our baby sister

I’m linking up here:

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

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  1. Aw, this makes me tear up. I’m so happy for you. I hope you have another spectacular little girl with curly red hair.

  2. OK. Now it’s like I’m stalking you.

    I love your redheads. Precious to the core.

    And now another one?!? YAY YOU! But girl, I’ll never understand how you do all you do. And amazingly great, at that.

  3. So sweet to share that moment with your girls in pictures! Something everyone will remember! Congrats again!

  4. Mr Serious says:

    This was a great moment. I’m so glad you captured it!

  5. grandma Pat says:

    What great sharing time for you all. It is so nice the girls are old enough to understand it all. They are gonig to be great big sisters.

  6. Aww, what special pics! Congrats on the new addition!!! =)

  7. so so so so so awesome friend!!

    ps – the girls are both sleeping – it’s 10:50 my time – good time to call 🙂

    soon friend!

  8. Oh Krystyn… these are some of the sweetest photos I have seen in SO long.
    You have made my heart leap with love. I have been feeling down in the dumps lately and have had a hard time getting around to visit my bloggy friends, but have been trying to make myself do it. I am SOOOO glad I stopped by your blog tonight, you made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
    I am so happy for your family and by the look on their faces, they are all happy, too.
    HUGGLES!! =)

  9. How in the world did I miss this post????

    YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!! That is so freaking exciting! I am so happy for you! Woot woot!!!!!!

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