The only Oscar-nominated movie I’ve seen this year


Every year when the Academy announces the nominees, I think, I wish I would have seen some of those movies. This year was no exception.

Now, I didn’t get to see any of them before the awards were actually given out, but I did see the Descendants recently.


It was enjoyable and yet awkward at the same time. Mr. Serious (George Clooney) relies heavily on his older daughter to help out with his younger daughter when their mother is in the hospital after a boating accident.

If you like Little Miss Sunshine and it’s dark and dry humor, I think you’d like this (you will have to get past the language).

Based on the best-selling novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings and set in Hawaii, THE DESCENDANTS is a sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Mr. Serious King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off of Waikiki. The event leads to a rapprochement with his young daughters while Mr. Serious wrestles with a decision to sell the family’s land handed down from Hawaiian royalty and missionaries.

the descendants

Nominated for five Academy Awards® and winner for Best Adapted Screenplay, THE DESCENDANTS is a must-have on Blu-ray and DVD. The release is packed with must-see deleted scenes, behind the scenes extras and exclusive featurettes to bring you even further into the story.

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  1. Cindy Miller says:

    Let’s see, George Clooney…the beach…did I mention George Clooney? What’s not to love there!!!

    1. Don’t tell Mr. Serious..but yes, he was pretty nice to look at:)

  2. Debra Lee says:

    I almost rented this last night. Now I will have to!

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