ToiletTree Fogless Shower Mirror | Review and Giveaway
ToiletTree is a family owned and operated company out of New York. Their first and main product is the Toilet Tree Fogless Shower Mirror.
The mirror is built to be fogless for life. It is not a typical glass mirror, but a reflective surface that works just as well.
It was incredibly easy to install. There were two two-sided tape stickers and adhesive glue to attach to the back. Not only were there directions with pictures, but it was actually labeled on the back of the mirror where to put it. Then, I placed the mount on the wall, allowed 24 hours to dry and we were in business (my only mistake, I should have paid a little more attention as I put it a little too high up for me, but it works great for Mr. Serious’ shaving in the shower).
There is a reservoir in the back of the mirror. Once in the shower, you fill it with the hot shower water and the mirror remains fogless for the duration of the shower. When I accidentally forgot to fill the reservoir, I was able to fill the mirror in the shower and the water.
We’ve been using it and testing it out for a while, and it’s still going strong. Now, you do have to replace the water in the reservoir, but it does it’s job every single time.
Win it:
One lucky reader will win a their own ToiletTree Fogless Shower Mirror.
For your first entry:
Leave a comment. Let me know you want to win…or something funny.
Extra Entries:
- Visit ToiletTree and let me know something else you like about the mirror or the company (not mentioned here) (1 entry)
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*Winners are chosen by random, so make sure you leave individual comments, not all in one!
*Winner has 48 hours to contact me, or another winner will be chosen.
*Contest ends end by Wednesday, March 23rd at 9pm EST. Winner will be posted shortly after.
*Rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.
The ToiletTree Fogless Shower Mirror and giveaway were provided by ToiletTreet. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I would love this… when we went to Guatemala this past summer hubby and his brother were using an old car mirror to shave with, we’re going back in June and I really want to be able to put a nice mirror in the shower for them!
I like the fact that it has an adjustable frame so it can move into a few different positions as well.
already your twitter follower micaela6955
like you on Facebook Michele Pineda
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This looks fabulous! My man would love this and our Anniversary is this month…
Pretty Please? “.”
i would love to win
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I’d like to win.
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I would really love to win this!
thank you for hosting the giveaway!
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