What would you do with 100 smack-a-roos?
One hundred dollars that is. What would you do with 100 fresh, crisp, green dollar bills, or one Benjamin?
There would be no restrictions, no requirements, nada. Just “hey, here’s $100, do whatever you want.”
What would I do with $100?
First, I’d have to tell you what I should do. Since we are on the Dave Ramsey plan and any and all extra money should go to our car payment, I should put it towards that.
However, what would I really do?
I think I would spend every.single.penny.on.myself! Seriously, I would. And, I would probably buy clothes with it. My favorite jeans have booty pockets with buttons on them. Well, I should say had because, really, those buttons are long gone. And, my other jeans have a spot that is this.close to becoming a hole.
So, yeah, I’d probably buy some jeans. And, some chocolate…maybe some chocolate, too…or cheetos? Better get back to my shred…
So, what would you do with $100?
Massage, baby!! 🙂
i'm sure i'd have good intentions of using it towards something i need to pay off… although i would probably put it towards a pair of cowboy boots i've been eyeing for a while ( :
An afternoon to myself. I'd start off with a trashy magazine and a sauna….then I'd get a 30 minute massage….then I'd take a relaxing shower…Pick up a book at the local book store and take it to Starbucks for a big cookie and a mocha. $100 in one afternoon of AWESOME.
A facial, Mexican restaurant, and buy lots of candy 🙂
I'd be getting my tattoo sooner than my birthday. 🙂
I most definately like your idea! I could definately use some new jeans as mine are now all too big!
Love, Mere
I would buy a rockin' birthday cake for Baby P's big first birthday because I'm totally impractical like that. 🙂
I would put it in my IRA account, that is what I would do.
Now if I could do what I wanted with it, definitely an hour long deep tissue massage at the day spa, which includes a complimentary foot soak and as much time as I wanted in the Quiet Room… and a sandwich at the bakery next door 🙂
I'd put it in my let's get a house someday fund.
But the whole way to the bank I would be reasoning with myself that I really should put the money towards the Jo-Ann Fabrics. They need me to give them $100 and I need them to give me LOTS of sewing stuffs.
Am I allowed to enter a giveaway from another company?? =D I would totally use $100 at Target. Not sure what I'd buy, but I know it would entertain me for like an entire day.
Summary Answer: Target Shopping Spree
We are also doing the Dave Ramsey plan, so I know that I SHOULD put it towards paying off my stupid student loan….
However, we ARE on the Dave Ramsey plan, so I haven't had extra money to do ANYTHING fun with lately…so I woudl probably use it to treat myself to a mini-shopping trip to get a few new things for the spring!
Hmmm grown up Jen would put it toward the car payment or savings for a house… slightly less grown up Jen would put it towards the office chair I've been wanting. Childish Jen? Would buy books and maybe a new pair of jeans or shoes.
Oh I would talk tit to Wal Mart and buy all the little travel things I need for our up coming trip to Florida!
This was a fun post for sure! We are on Dave Ramsey too and I know the extra $100 SHOULD go to debt reduction, but I wouldn't enjoy that nearly as much as a spa day!
What I should do put it towards my credit card what I would LOVE to do buy myself a cute outfits since I always spend my money on the kiddos. 🙂
Ooooo! How fun! I think I would treat my hubby to a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day. I always feel silly getting him presents and stuff because he is the only one that earns money in this family. So when I buy him presents it is kind of like, "Hey, honey! Look what I bought you with your money!" I know it is "our" money and he always reminds me of that, but I still feel like it is his money sometimes. It would be nice to treat him with money he didn't have to work for. 😉
I'd get a room painted professionally…leave one morning & come home to a new room 🙂
I'd probably shop for clothes too…and eat chocolate while I do it! 🙂
I think I would take an overnight trip somewhere. A much needed vacation is in order over here and that just might hit the spot.
Thanks for stopping by my blog awhile back. I like yours and am now following your feed.
Hmmm…. I'd keep it in my drawer at work to pay for my twice a day Starbucks addiction! 😉
Oh, wait – just read what Elaine said – massage, yes! Ahh… I am SO in need!
I would use it towards a ticket to the ATL!
no emily – that's what i was going to say!! i would totally buy a ticket to you!! crash on your couch and then go to all those yummy hotlanta places i keep emailing you about!
I'd put it toward the Longchamp travel bag I've been eying!
I'd probably use it to treat my parents to dinner out somewhere as a thank you to them for helping me so much this year, I'd use a little bit to purchase some workout pants, and if there was any leftover I'd help one of my friends who's also struggling financially right now. I really have so many ways I could use $100 and want to help so many others that I know I couldn't do it all but it would at least be a start.