All About Krystyn


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I’m flattered. You want to know who I am. If you are a video person, scroll down and I’ll talk to you!

I’m Krystyn.

(Please don’t say you love how I spell my name. I didn’t spell it. My parents did that. They say they like me. Sometimes I wonder.)

I’m a sarcasm-loving, straight-shooting, jeans and t-shirts wearing, thirty-something wife and mom of four girls. Yes. All girls. And three of them have red hair! And the youngest was accidentally born at home! We currently reside in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, despite the best efforts of our families to have us move back “home” to Texas.

The girls are 18 and 16 years old (a day shy of two years apart), 12 and 10. Some might say I’m a little crazy. To be honest, most say I’m a little crazy.

You’ll find family, travel, fitness, STEM and lifestyle on Really, Are You Serious? Recipes? You got it! Crafts? Those, too! We stay busy and we like adventure.

I am a chemist by trade with both a BS and MS in chemistry. I taught high school chemistry for 6 years and now I work for myself. 

Now I do graphic design full time as well as this here blog. I want to make your blog, logo, invitation, announcement or business card look fabulous. And, I want to do it at a reasonable price. So, please check out my graphic design shop. I bet you will be surprised and impressed to see how much you recognize!

Mommy and Me Monday Family Beach picture

I am always open to partnering with great companies and brands to share new products and opportunities with my community. Sponsored posts, sidebar ads, ambassadorships and paid social media campaigns are just some of the ways that we can work together.

In fact, before I even started blogging, I was and still am the go-to person for my friends who wanted an honest opinion about a product.

This is my space where I can let it all out.

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