We were “mint” to be friends Valentines


Valentine’s Day has crept up on us this year. With kids not feeling well and preparing for some travel, I almost didn’t make it happen. In fact, I almost found some others and called it done. But, my 9 year old N said “mommy, I like it best when you make them for us. Can you please make some?” I knew it had to says “we were mint to be friends” or “we were mint to be valentines”

We were mint to be friends free valentine printable

Call me a sucker, but I got to it this weekend. I had the idea to do something cheesy with mints. But, the restrictive thing was finding mints that I could easily get 100 of and not break the bank. Yes, I said 100!!! These LifeSavers were available in a giant bag at the store which made my decision for me. The bonus is that these mints are my favorite, so I can enjoy the extras.

I was going to go with “You were mint to be my Valentine” which quickly got shot down by the 11 year old. She said there’s too much like/love/boy/girl stuff. Thankfully, I had friends in my back pocket and make it happen and “we were mint to be friends” was created.

We were mint to be friends Valentine

Making the valentines

A little crafting and manipulating and heart-adding and the printable was created. At 4 to a page, I only had to print out 25 sheets which was a win. Once they were done printing on card stock, the girls got to work with the glue dots and sticking the LifeSavers onto the cards. One girl put the glue dot on the mint.

We were mint to be friends Valentine

The next put the now-sticky mint on the heart on the card. They were glad to be helping and also glad to have their own Valentines. (Star Wars toys being nearby are optional…but light sabers can help!)

We were mint to be friends Valentine

100 valentines is a lot of valentines.

We were mint to be friends Valentine

Once the mints were attached, they each used the blank space to sign their own names. (In hind sight, signing first might be easier without the mint there, but nobody complained about it.)

We were mint to be friends Valentine

 >> Want to grab the “We were mint to be friends” valentine? Grab it here or click on the image and download it for your own personal use! <<

We were mint to be friends valentine four to a page

I think they came out pretty cute! The girls were proud to make them, write their names on them and pack them up for school, so I call that a win!

We were mint to be friends Valentine

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