SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Socks Review and Giveaway


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6. Skooks said…
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I thought I already did this awhile ago and realized just now that I didn’t.

Do you ever find a product that makes you think, why didn’t I come up with that?

SmartKnitKIDS Seamless socks are just that.  They are truly seamless socks.  There is absolutely nothing at the toe to drive your kids crazy because it isn’t just right.  They can put their sock on any way; there is no top or bottom.  And, even better, there is no heal.

These socks are perfect for my three year old who is learning to dress herself.  There were so many times when she came into my room crying because she couldn’t get her sock on just the right way.  It was either upside down, inside out, or the toe seam was irritating her toes.

These socks are also “hugging” and form fitting so they don’t wrinkle and bunch in their shoes.  And, importantly, they fit on our toddlers chubby little legs without an indentations or markings on her legs.  It was win, win.  The fit tightly but they didn’t strangle her feet.

If you have kids that play sports or have sweaty little feet, you’ll appreciate that they are made of fabric that will wick moisture away from the skin with added antimicrobial benefits….say good bye to stinky piggies.
SmartKnitKIDS come in solid colors of white, black, pink, purple, and navy and in ankle, crew and knee-high styles.  The will fit toddler sizes all the way up to youth size 8.

WIN IT: SmartKnitKIDS would like to give one Really, Are You Serious? reader a 3 pairs of socks (winner’s choice).

For your first entry: Head over to SmartKnitKIDS Socks and tell me which color and style sock you might pick.

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*Winner has 48 hours to contact me, or another winner will be chosen.
*contest ends Wednesday, February 10th at 9pm EST. Winner will be posted shortly after.
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.

My opinions are my honest, and thoughtful views and were not influenced by any source. I was not compensated monetarily for this review and giveaway. Thank you to SmartKnitKIDS socks and for the samples to facilitate the review.

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  1. What a great idea! I would probably pick the white socks!

  2. Yeah . . . is it boring of me that I'd pick all white crew socks? 😛


  3. Subscribed . . .


    I thought I already did this awhile ago and realized just now that I didn't.

  4. While I can't seem to get enough pink socks…I think I would have to go with white as well. = )

  5. love these socks…i think we would go with the ankle socks..

  6. Oh my goodness where were these 10 years ago. LOL Would have helped with my oldest. Now my 2 youngest would so wear socks without the seems. WOOHOOO
    I'd pick black. Hide dirt and goes with everything.

  7. camiller1234 says:

    I would have to go with the crew socks in pink.No more "sock bumps"!!

  8. I think their moisture wicking socks sound fab!

  9. stephanie m says:

    fun! i'd pick white also! we are all so boring! lol


    holyone 00@ hotmail . com

  10. all of our socks are white so that is what I would pick.

  11. My daughter would so love the socks and I would pick the white! She is always complaining that her socks are uncomfortable…also following you through google

  12. I would get the Ankle socks in white! Really such a great idea, my 6 year old is always complaining his socks don't feel right.

  13. I would pick the pink crew socks. My granddaughter loves pink.

  14. Small ankle socks in white for a small ankle biter! When you think about it, ankle is a funny word.

  15. White ankle! Jessica has to wear her socks inside out, the seams bug her so. I actually try to get her socks on before she wakes to avoid the tears. To be fair, she no longer throws fits. She just looks at me with tears in her eyes and says, "My socks is a problem." Kills me.

    I've been looking for seamless socks, but the checkout at the only online store I could find acted fishy with my credit card info and I canceled my order.

  16. I would pick the ankle in white. I love that they're heeless too!

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