There’s nothing better than sisters | FROZEN


I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This Disney FROZEN shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.

I thought when I first saw FROZEN the movie back in November, the emotions I felt were a little exaggerated because of the pregnancy hormones. I got a case of the feels when Anna was singing to Elsa as they were growing up. And they just kept coming.

The ending, oh, the sisters and the sacrifice and the love? As soon as I got home, I told my sister she had to see FROZEN. To me, it was all about sisters.

(At no point am I implying that either one of us is an ice queen or a naive girl who falls in love too quickly and only sees the good in people!)

#FROZENfun #shop Sisters

FROZEN reminds me of the bond sisters have; through the good, the bad, the crazy, the disagreements and the happiness. In the end, sisters are there for each other for everything. They’ll give you the dress, fly into town for your surprise birthday party, help you clean up your kids’ puke, show you how to wear your baby by wearing your cat, show up to your house when you experience great loss, and offer to come stay with you to help out when you hubby has to fly out for a family emergency. Sisters will wear your baby and let you wear hers. Sisters are awesome.

Sisters | FROZEN #FROZENfun #shop

Even though it took like 20 years for us to really get along, and took both of us being moms to really “get it”, just like Anna and Elsa (well, I have no idea how old they are), we finally got to a place of love and understanding.

My girls are pretty awesome sisters. They are always looking out for each other, trying to protect each other, and for the most part being nice to each other.

Sisters | FROZEN #FROZENfun #shop

I know there will be some turmoil (ha! some…) down the road but hopefully not resulting in one running off to a cold icy castle. Hopefully, they will continue with their amazing bond and showing their love. After all, it’s the act of love that fixes everything!

Sisters | FROZEN #FROZENfun #shop

I knew when I first saw FROZEN that I wanted to buy it for the girls. They waited very patiently as we didn’t all see it in the theater. So, as soon as the movie came out on March 18th, I went to Walmart first thing in the morning and added the  to add to our collection. To sweeten the deal, they had a price drop from $16.96 to $14.96. I could have saved another $5 with a coupon on specially marked packages of Eggo Waffles (24 count).

frozen on DVD #FROZENfun #collectivebias

I wanted the girls to see the story of Anna and Elsa and to see that an act of true love can fix pretty much anything. I wanted to check out the FROZEN toys, too and lucked out that they were being stocked right when I showed up.

Sisters | FROZEN #FROZENfun #shop

I scooped up some Anna and Elsa dolls, and a mini set with an Olaf for E. I’ve got them hidden away to give to them before we go to Disneyland next month so they have new dolls to bring with them. They are going to be so excited.

frozen and disney #FROZENfun #collectivebias

The movie was the most exciting thing to them! We set up a picnic blanket and had dinner while watching the movie. They all started on the blanket, but my emotional girls didn’t last long there.

all you need is love

Shortly after it started, there were sisters on daddy’s lap and some on mine.

FROZEN with daddy

At the end of our #FROZENfun, the girls were so excited, they asked to watch the movie again in the morning. While that didn’t happen, nor did it happen the next afternoon, I found that after watching FROZEN and seeing the sisters interact, they were much kinder to each other. They tried to avoid conflict and help each other when there was something wrong. They played better and were more patient with each other. The message of love really stuck with them.

What did you or your kids most relate to in the movie FROZEN?

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  1. I have boys, so the focus was more on Ollie in the movie Frozen. They LOVED that character and thought he was hysterical.

  2. grandma pat says:

    what a great post. Having 2 sisters of my own I totally agree.

  3. We got it from RedBox the day it came out! My girls enjoyed it although they had trouble sitting still through the end of the movie. I was surprised at how emotional I was. I couldn’t stop crying! I loved that it was about sisters too! Great movie for little girls!

  4. I freaking love Frozen. It’s a great story about sisters, and reminds me a lot of Lilo and Stitch in that regard.

  5. I so love seeing these pictures! I hope my girls are always so close! Looks like you had a great movie night!

  6. You, your sister and all of the beautiful babies make my uterus scream “Reproduce, reproduce, reproduce!!”

    I have 2 sisters and I can tell you we can fight like no one’s business, but don’t let anyone else pick a fight with them and there’s trouble.

    Can’t wait to get the DVD and see it for ourselves.

  7. It’s really great that you and your sister have such a strong bond. I always wished that I had a sister specifically for that reason 🙂 I am really wanting to watch Frozen!

  8. I totally love the picture of the kids on the floor having a “picnic” while the movie was on. And how cute, they ended up climbing on you and your husband’s laps. It sounds like it was the perfect bonding movie night!

  9. How fun that you make this into an event for your girls! Frozen is such a cute movie.

  10. so THAT is what the Frozen toys look like!! I can’t find them ANYWHERE to purchase 🙁 I have 2 girls and a boy who LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie and the Easter bunny wants to get them dolls for baskets.

    1. Oh no! Did you try Walmart? First thing in the morning. Then again, I went to a not so busy one WAAAYYYY out in the burbs!

  11. I love this post because I love my sisters. I don’t know what I would do without them. Thanks so much for sharing, and for making me smile!

  12. I love the movie picnic you had going there! That’s such a fun idea! I haven’t seen Frozen yet. I’m sure my daughter will like it when she’s a little older.

  13. You have a beautiful family! I have three older sisters and we are all very close! Nothing like sisters, that is for sure 🙂

  14. What sweet sister love. I had a brother 4 years my younger that I constantly wanted to strangle. He finally grew up a little and stopped pushing my buttons. It only took him 25 years! 🙂

  15. My girls LOVE Frozen and requested I buy them Anna and Elsa dolls stat! They have watched it 4 times so far!

  16. I never had a sibling growing up, but I do think it would have been nice. I love the relationship my four have with one another. It’s really very special.

  17. I sure hope my boys have a special bond. We purchased Frozen first thing the other day.

  18. After years of watching my girls bicker with each other, I love seeing them close now that they are older. I loved watching Frozen with them while my oldest was home from college.

  19. I have a brother (no sisters) and a son (only one.) I’ve heard great things about Frozen, but I sadly have not even seen it!

  20. I lied this post. It reminded me about how my twins feel so loving towards each other.

  21. Love the sisterly love in the post and it looks like everyone had a Frozen-licious Time! One of our new favorite family movies!

  22. I have yet to see this movie. I see the hype about it and I am tempted to cave and rent it from Redbox but iuno… I don’t do girly. Seems like a lot of people love it though so it can’t be so bad right? xD

  23. Love this post…and have yet to see Frozen but it’s gotten so much hype!

  24. We really love the movie as a whole. My daughter loves how Love can thaw a frozen heart, and tended to remind everyone of that for days after the first time we saw it in theaters LOL.

  25. I definitely need to watch Frozen! Now that it’s out on DVD I need to get it!

  26. This is so true. I have one sibling- a sister. We haven’t always gotten along the best, but it’s improved and I know it’ll get better when she has children too.

  27. My girl so wishes she had a sister. She got two brothers instead. But she loved Frozen!

  28. I love the sacrifice that both sisters are willing to make for one another – I also love that Disney always incorporates some sort of important message. It isn’t always for laughs. Such a cute movie! I ordered mine from Walmart and it’s supposed to be at my house when I get home, I can’t wait to watch it again!

  29. Both my kids adore Frozen! I love the message behind it of how important the sister bond is. I think it really lessens sibling rivalry too. I even sometimes ask Kay how she thinks Elsa and Anna would treat eachother in this situation, and she has an immediate attitude adjustment, lol!

  30. I wish I had the closeness Elsa and Anna have with my own siblings. My siblings are twice my age though and I haven’t seen them in years.

  31. I’ve heard so many great things about Frozen, but haven’t seen it yet. Can’t wait to watch it with my nieces now that it is on DVD!

  32. I have a brother and two sons. I’m surrounded by boys! lol But my boys still love Frozen. My 4 year old is watching it right now while I leave this comment 🙂

  33. I was an only child and used to wish I had a sister. If you like the movie Frozen, you are really going to like the new one coming out “Pirate Fairy”.

  34. My sister and I are soooo close so watching the movie and seeing Elsa pull away from Ana at the beginning, and Ana begging to be let back in was a little heartbreaking. I loved the movie though, and can’t wait to purchase it 🙂

  35. Love the talk about sisters. My sister is MUCH younger than I am and we struggle with that sister bond. But, I love your talk about it here. #client

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