“ByeBye PahPah” 2010 | Sending your pacifier to the paci fairy


A very Wordful Wednesday

Monday, I mentioned that we got rid of something “so wee.”  #1 did it two years previous.  They sent their pacis to the paci fairy.  But, unlike her big sister, she called it a “PahPah!”

We went to the store and got the balloons all blown up.  That was some trip.  The whole time in the van, the girls were talking about the balloons and how they wanted to play with them.  Remember, balloons are like baby crack.

So, we got home and immediately started playing with the balloons. 

  girls with balloons girls with balloons girls with balloons   girls with balloons girls with balloons    

Then, there was (supposed to be) one final use of the “PahPah.”  Which incidentally is super, duper cute to hear her say.

paci fairy | no more paci   

We then tied it onto the balloons.  She wasn’t happy and tried to pull on it.  She kept saying “off, off, take it off.”  It was just a little heartbreaking.

paci fairy | no more paci paci fairy | no more paci

Because we are all about tradition I had the camera, Mr. Serious tried to do the send off.   However, Ms. Thing has been such the mama’s girl lately, it’s crazy.

paci fairy | no more paci  

Mommy had to swoop in and save the day.  We said a couple more “bye bye pahpahs” and explained again that we were sending her paci to the paci fairy so she could take it to new little babies.  This was so much more of a challenge with the older sister there grilling me for every detail.

(Please tell me you noticed that adorable little pony tail?  She brought a band to me and asked me to put it in.  It was her very first one!)

paci fairy | no more paci   

Ready, set, go…

paci fairy | no more paci

“Bye Bye ba-oons” (ballons).

paci fairy | no more paci

“”Ba-oons up in sky.”

paci fairy | no more paci

“Mommy, they are going way up there.  Mommy, how will the paci fairy get them?  Mommy, are they going to the blue?  Mommy, why are the balloons going up?  Mommy, what color wings does the paci fairy have?”

“Bye bye ba-oons.”

paci fairy | no more paci

Everyday since Friday, she has told us “ba-oons up in sky.  Ba-oons bye bye.  See ba-oons” and she wants to look out the window and see if she can still see them in the sky.  It’s super sweet and breaks my heart a little, too.

The first night, she screamed for less than 5 minutes.  We just had to remind her that they were gone.  Nap time hasn’t really elicited much crying, but she hasn’t napped well.  I’m hoping that over the course of the week, she is back to her good sleeping and enjoys loving on her “monk-monk”, the sock monkey the paci fairy brought her instead of telling us about the balloons.

The balloons ended up in a tree in the neighbors yard where we quickly pulled them out and disposed of them. Knowing what I know now, I would have bought biodegradable balloons or mailed the paci to the paci fairy like we did with her younger sisters.

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  1. SO CUTE! Oh my gosh! We sent our pacis to Santa Claus so he could re-gift them. I love the idea of the paci fairy and sending it off with a big bunch of balloons. That is absolutely freaking sweet! She’s growing up!

  2. OH MY!! I just realized I never updated my reader when you switched from blogger. I was thinking…”man, its been awhile since Krystyn has updated.” It must be my summer brain!
    I am glad the pacifier send off went well! Such a big girl!
    And, I just read your debt free post…AMAZING!! Congrats!

  3. I can imagine how hard this was for you as she tried to pull her PahPah off the ba-oon strings. My heart was breaking for you! Sounds like the transition is going well.

  4. I saw this idea on another blog a long time ago and I thought it was so great. I don’t have a passy baby so I wont be doing it… I do however need to figure out how to get her fingers out of her month. hmmm. Thanks for sharing. Such a milestone!

  5. What a super cute idea! And I’m LOVIN her little pony tail!

  6. This is an awesome idea. We do something similar. We mail ours to the babies of the world.

  7. Oh my goodness – what a sweet sweet way to finish using the pacifier.

  8. The whole scenario makes me teary… it could be because I’m pregnant too 😉

    Beautiful photos, Krystyn

  9. yay for all of you!! seriously loving all the pictures..you truly captured the moment mama (and daddy)!

    and love the look back at izzy’s journey too 🙂

  10. How adorable! None of my kids have ever been that attached to their pacifiers, so I have never had to experience taking one away and causing sadness.
    What a sweet girlie 🙂

  11. Such a cute story and perfect way to say bye bye to the paci! Very creative, I can only imagine how hard it wasy having your oldest want every detail 🙂

  12. Aww that is awesome! What a fantastic idea!

    I just took them away and didn’t give them back 🙂

  13. So adorable! I hope she is back to napping and sleeping well soon!

  14. That’s an interesting way to break the paci habit. I’m lucky that my kids weren’t really in to their pacifier and didn’t use one much. I hope sock monkey helps her sleep well soon.

  15. Wow, this is kinda cool! Thankfully the first night wasn’t so bad! Great photo documenting!

  16. The Dudes never used a pacifier but that is a really good idea for people trying to rid of them. We need to get rid of the sippy cup. I think that I’m more attached to it than he is though.

  17. I wish I had thought of this 4 years ago! Awesome idea!

  18. I think that it is harder for us to decide to get rid of the paci than it is for the kids to actually do it. Sure there are a few tears but then they are on to the next thing. Glad that it was relatively painless for you 🙂

  19. Oh girl, I hope this works. I’m counting on it! HA! I have my first paci baby of the three and she LOVES the doggone thing.

    But, these pictures and her little pony tail are the cutest thing! I was kinda sad to see all those beautiful balloons go! he he. Hope her good sleeping habits resume soon. Hugs to her and YOU. (I can understand how it would be a little heart-breaking).

    p.s. how did you decide it was ‘time’?

    1. Daycare said it was time. Nothing like the forced decision. But, we knew it needed to go soon. I hear it’s easier if you try a little earlier (like between 12-15 months). We did Izzy around the same age as Nat.

  20. The “Pap Fairy” visited our house a few weeks ago. I wanted to take away the pap before I went back to work at the beginning of August. I had my daughter put all of her beloved “paps” in a bowl and we wrote a note to the “Pap Fairy”. We went to watch a movie and when we came back, the “Pap Fairy” had taken all of the paps and left her Elmo stickers and a book. She was thrilled at the time, but bedtime was a nightmare! Now she will randomly ask for it and then smiles and shakes her head no. I’m so thrilled to be rid of that thing. One kid down…one to go!

  21. Not ever having had to deal with pacifiers, I can’t imagine what it must have been like to have to do this. What a sweet sendoff to help ease the transition. Love the balloons floating off to the fairy.

    And oh yes, she is so CUTE with her hair in that tiny little ponytail! =)

  22. Awwwww gosh this makes me tear up for her too.

    See I’ve always hoped my daughter had taken to the paci so that we could do this, but there is no sending away the finger 🙂

    She is adorable. Your whole family is.

    And it is hard when a smarter , older kid is around 🙂
    I did see that cutie ponytail 😉


  23. What a great idea. I will have to try this with my daycare children when we need to say bye, bye to their pacis. I would like to invite you to read my WW post at
    Also you might like to check out my giveaway and enter a few they are on my right side bar at the top.
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

  24. such a sweet way to send the paci off! We just went cold turkey one day.. but your right it only takes about a week then they are over it! Love the little pony tail!

  25. I don’t have kids yet but when I do I hope to remember this beautiful story and lesson in life. So awesome,, just so super sweet and awesome.

  26. I’ve had 3 non-paci babies, but if I did have a paci baby, I’d want to get rid of it the way you did ~ how sweet (and a little heartbreaking too!)

  27. You’re right, balloons are baby crack. And in my house, I find remains of the crack in shriveled bits on the floor. 🙂 I hope your balloon trick works!

  28. what a wonderful paci send off. The balloons are a great idea and so fun.

  29. What a great idea and she was so much a part of it that I can see why it worked so darn well. Yay!

  30. That poor little stricken face (the one with the pony tail!) How pitiful! ;o) Just be glad you could tie yours to the balloon. I don’t think my youngest would let me tie her thumb to it. Hmmmm…

  31. oh man that breaks MY heart and i don’t even know yall. Bubba still takes his (“bunny”) at nap and night only. with potty training and the new big boy bed and sister going to school, i’ve decided to let him keep it a little longer to comfort him thru these transitions. 🙁
    i do like the idea of the balloon send-off though…high-five to you, Mama.

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