How cute is she?

Momdot is having a contest for the coolest toy and I think #2 needs it!! It’s a One Step Ahead playmat and we want it! Of course, as the second child, she will be using all of #1’s old toys, so I thought it would be fun to try to win! Wish us luck and go check them out!

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  1. She is just so so cute!!! Fingers crossed on you winning that awesome mat!! 🙂

  2. Ooohhh….look at your little sleeping beauty!

    I saw that giveaway…and I so hope you win it! It looks pretty nice!

    Good luck, hon! I’ll be crossing my fingers that you get it 🙂

  3. Krystyn she is just ADORABLE!! I’m sure you are one proud Mama!!

  4. SOOO cute…and I just barely entered this contest too! 🙂 Good luck to you though!

  5. She is cute….

    Poor Chandler played with Cheney’s old toys. She had no idea they were BOY toys….I guess we should have gotten her new ones….oh well, it is good because now she plays with him!!

  6. Haasiegirl says:

    she is beautiful


  7. Too cute for words!!! Really, she looks like a perfect little doll! What a cool mat! I might just have to look around that website a little more! 🙂

  8. Mrs de Miranda says:

    She is just darling!! I love her surrounded in all her pinkness 🙂

  9. Well, the answer to the question is, “Pretty darn cute!”

    Good luck!

  10. she is precious!!! I love that pic!! GOOD LUCK!!! I think she should win 🙂

  11. What a beautiful baby girl! I just want to squeeze her! Give her a big kiss for me!

  12. Good luck! I hope you win!

  13. What a little sweetie. 🙂

    And good luck, I hope you win!

  14. seriously!?? SO STINKIN CUTE!!

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