Blessed on my birthday.
Today, on my *cough* 21st *cough* add ten years *cough* birthday, I’m feeling pretty darn blessed.
I’ve got an awesome little family. They each have that perfect little place and I know that they were given to me. Just for me (I might share them). And, they are pretty awesome.
(Not pictured. The rest of my awesome family. They know me so well, they send me birthday presents that shake in the box. And, I know as soon as I hear that shake that there is candy in it. Just the candy they know I love. Also not pictured, the candy that arrived last week that has since been devoured!)
Happy birthday to me! (Blogging is sooo narcissistic!)
Happy birthday!!
Thank you!
happy happy birthday friend!!
hope it was the perfect day and that you keep celebrating all week!!
Happy Birthday Krystyn!
Thanks, Jenny!
Happy Birthday Honey!
Happy birthday – feel better soon!
Yes I know what you mean about feeling blessed – so do I.
Great isn’t it?
Yes, so very great! Thank you.
Have a great birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Sweetie. I hope you have a great day.
Happy birthday! Love the picture of your beautiful family!
Thanks, Jen! They are pretty good looking:)
Happy Birthday and wishing you the best day ever 🙂
Thank you Tamara!
Hope you had a great one!
Pretty darn good! Thank you:)
Happy Birthday to you!
Thank you, C!
Happy Birthday! Wish you liced closer so I could watch the girls and Papa bear could take you out! Hopefully another year I can 🙂 I just noticed there weren’t any jawbreakers in the mix, but it’s probably best for the dentist bill.
Yes, no jaw breakers!
And, yes, next year!
Happy, happy, happy day! One “happy” for each girl. And, thrown in some happy for Matt as well. 🙂
Happy Birthday!! I totally wrote a Happy Birthday post to myself last week 😛 I also may have had Sammy tell our server it was my birthday *winks* I got free dessert!
That’s smart thinking! We didn’t go out, though…I need a belated free birthday dessert!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so late to get this little note in there today, but Red and I hope you had a great day! 🙂
Thank you! And, here’s my very belated thank you back!
Happy Belated Birthday, your family is beautiful!
Happy Birthday! I hope it was an amazing day!