I’ll call her “cutie head” | WW


Nicknames are funny, aren’t they? When you come up with your child’s name, do you plan a nickname? And, do they end up with the nickname you set out for them?

#1’s was #1. Not that we were going to only call her that, but it was an option. And, we do call her that, and #1. But, the one that she got early on? Pumpkin Head.

We still aren’t sure where we came up with that one.

#2 didn’t have a set one determined. She quickly became #2 Bear. Yep, not sure on that one, either.

With E, I thought maybe Evie? Mr. Serious said Eve. And, we haven’t called her one of them, and I don’t think we will. They just don’t fit. At least right now.

But, our little Pumpkin Head has come up with her own nickname for her littlest sister. And, it’s pretty adorable and cute and perfect!

She calls her “Cutie Head.”

And, she now thinks she’s big enough to hold her Cutie Head. Thankfully, daddy is just out of the shot as a spotter. I don’t trust her that much just yet.

with her cutie head

(And, seriously, doesn’t the side pony tail make her look about 8, or is it just me?)

Kisses for her cutie head!

kisses for cutie head

I’m linking up here.  Go and visit their Wordful and Wordless Wednesdays.


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    1. It kills me..I’m not ready for her to be so grown up.

    1. They really are. And, it’s so cute when I hear her say it, too.

  1. Well, she is a cutie head, so it totally works!! 😀

  2. You know I LOVE nicknames…I still like Boris, but somehow I don’t think E will like that as she gets older. I think Cutie Head is perfect! Even though we don’t have any milkshakes…we have talked about nicknames. There won’t be any Richard milkshakes for us, the nickname for that is just not cute in any way.

  3. How sweet is that?!?! We haven’t really done any nicknames. I occasionally call Isabella bell or bella, but thats as creative as we’ve gotten. OH, and Kallie Jane I sometimes refer to as Kallie. LOL

  4. grandma Pat says:

    very nice nickname. I can’t believe how long E looks in Izzy’s arms and yes she does look a lot older with the side pony.

    1. Our Iz actually did have a slight orange hue to her when she first started solids..she really liked her sweet potatoes and carrots.

  5. So adorable! She does look so grown up in these pics – love the side pony tail! We give our kids the strangest nicknames that morph overtime. BB is Blemmy or Blemmy Butt. MM is probably Silly Butt. So I guess we like butts?

  6. Aww! How stinkin’ cute!

    I do think that nicknames are funny. We call my dog Oscar “Oscar Pants” and “stinky face”. 🙂 LOL.

  7. When researching names I read that a real common name “Audreys” get called is Odd Ball. We decided that to circumvent the teasing, we’d call her that from birth. She’s our Aud Ball. She’s also a froggie princess. And my Little Miss. She also get Audder Pop and Audder Frog.

    Annie gets Annie Banannie. That’s about it. Josh calls her piglet.

    1. I never would have thought to research nicknames…but my hubby wouldn’t let us use the name Lydia because it rhymes with, well, a VD.

  8. They are so cute! Our nickname for our daughter became “Muffin” short for Baby Muffin. She’s also Addy (her name is Adeline). Our son’s name is Quinn but we’ve ended up calling him “Buddy” a lot. As they get older I think we tend to use their real names more so they will know their own names!

    1. We always interchanged the nicknames and real names…I think I would call Quinn Q or Master Q:)

  9. awww… what a sweet big sister!
    LOVING your cloth diaper! (I did cloth with my last 4 babies and LOVED it.)

  10. so i always peek at the pics before i read – and i just had a mini heart attack!! look how big she looks holding sweet e!!! crazy honey!!!

    and thank you for telling me daddy is just right there!!

    1. Just wait…it’s beyond anything you can ever imagine…the sibling relationship. It’s awesome.

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