Lunch Notes and Snack Notes Your Kids Will Love with Free Printable
Thank you to Juicy Juice for partnering with this post “Lunch Notes and Snack Notes Your Kids Will Love”.
Our girls have been packing their lunches for quite some time. In fact, we are over 6 weeks into back to school lunch packing and they are quite the experts. They are happier with what is in their lunch and I’m happier knowing that they going to enjoy what is packed.
One thing I still periodically do is sneak a little treat into their lunch or a lunch note. Just a little something to let them know I’m thinking about them while they are at school. I think everybody wants to know they are being thought about.
Juicy Juice Juicy Waters
I’ve also been randomly putting a “better-for-you” juice option in their lunch on some occasions. The new Juicy Juice Juicy Waters is a new flavored-water beverage that is both hydrating and has a great taste. The girls struggle getting enough water every day and I’m happy using this as an extra water boost It is made with filtered water and a splash of flavor but has no sugar and no sweeteners. Juicy Juice Juicy Waters come in Fruit Punch, Orange and Strawberry Watermelon.
Juicy Juice + Protein
One of our second struggles is getting enough protein in their lunches (and in general), so the new Juicy Juice + Protein is a nice added boost for them. This contains a shelf-stable whey protein (I’d love to see an option with a different protein source, too) providing 5 grams of protein in each serving. It’s actually a really nice addition to their snack time, too. I find in the afternoons they are in a slump and their moods tend to waiver, but when I can get some protein in them, they are more energized and happier. This comes in Fruit Punch and Orange.
Juicy Juice Fruitfuls Organics
Sugar is such a concern, so we really try to limit it with the girls. I’m glad that they can pack Juicy Juice Fruitfuls Organics with 45% less sugar than the leading juice and contains a half cup of fruit in each 8 ounce serving.
Snack Note and Lunch Note Free Printables
Sometimes the kiddos just need a little pick me up or to know you are thinking about them throughout the day. Admittedly, I don’t do a lunch note or a snack note everyday, but randomly and occasionally. I think that makes it even more special for them…the unexpected.
Of course, with B, I have to keep them really simple and/or draw a picture as she’s just learning to read, but with the other girls, I can go all out in a lunch note. Sometimes I pay them a compliment, other times I write a silly joke and sometimes it’s just a positive thought or something about mindfulness. I think if you can handwrite them they are best received that way.
Here are a couple of them that I’ve written to hopefully inspire you. But write what you know your kids will love!
Juicy Juice sent those fun cards, but I wanted to share a couple sheets of note pages you can print out and cut out as the mood strikes you. I thought it would be fun to mix and match the animals and designs to always keep you and your kiddo guessing.
>>>>>>>>>> Just click on these or click here to be taken to the PDF where you can print them directly! <<<<<<<<<
Hopefully you enjoy writing a little note to them and they enjoy receiving them!
The one day I forgot a joke in the lunchbox, the kiddo let me know!!! He likes them more than I thought! 🙂