14 Awesome Kid Birthday Party Themes


B had her first birthday. She turned one and we haven’t yet had a birthday party for her. I feel like she’s already hit with the fourth baby syndrome, but really it’s because it’s on December 29th and nobody was in town. We did a celebration at home for her, but not an official party like the other three girls had.

So, I’ve gone searching to find some awesome birthday themes that we can do in a few months. Thankfully, she won’t know that it’s a couple months late and might enjoy the party even more. I found 14 themes that I think I could pull off for her first birthday or maybe a combined 3rd and 1st birthday for E and B!

14 awesome birthday party themes ideas.jpg

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Breakfast and Pajamas Birthday Party

We might just duplicate the Breakfast and Pajamas Birthday Party we did for E. It was a huge hit with the homemade cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit skewers, egg muffins and mimosa.

Breakfast and Pajama birthday party

Sunshine and Lemonade Birthday Party

If we hold off until the Spring, a Sunshine and Lemonade Birthday Party would be perfect. All of my girls have a huge thing for lemonade, so I know having a big pitcher out with some cookies would go over very well.

Sunshine and lemonade

Cupcake Birthday Party

In competition with lemonade and cookies would be a Cupcake Birthday Party. We are way more of a cupcake family than cake. Besides, who wouldn’t want a cupcake as their smash cake?

Cake Batter Rainbow Sprinkle Birthday Party

This Cake Batter Rainbow Sprinkle Birthday Party is all kinds of awesome! I know it’s a ton of prep work, but look at all of that sprinkly cake battery goodness! Any excuse to have that many rainbow sprinkles in my kitchen is a win.

Cake Batter and Sprinkles First Birthday Party

Finding Nemo Birthday Party

Being big fans, a Finding Nemo Birthday Party would be a great splash. In addition to the super cute food ideas, I can envision a fun Finding Nemo photo booth with a photo backdrop.

Carnival Birthday Party

This Carnival or Circus Birthday Party would make for a super cute party in the backyard. We are big fans of parties at home so we can be way more relaxed. I think all of the carnival games would be fun for kids of all ages and even the adults.

Carnival circus game ideas 1

Owl-Themed Birthday Party

The adorable Owl-Themed Birthday Party is so cute. I love the cupcakes with the sandwich cookies for the eyes.

DIY Owl Themed Birthday Party 18 1024x837

LEGO Birthday Party

All of our girls are into LEGOs right now (the evidence lies under our feet in the million LEGO friends), so a LEGO Birthday Party would be fabulous.

Lego birthday party favors 1024x679

Farm Birthday Party

Animals, how fun would that be. I have thought about having a petting zoo come to the house. A Farm Birthday Party with little baby animals would be very cute. There could be Farm Animals for the kids that might not want to pet the live animals.

Feed baby cow

Panda Birthday Party

A Panda Birthday Party would be a black and white free for all…with maybe some hints of green for bamboo. One of our daughters was actually born the same day as a panda baby in Atlanta. It was a pretty big deal! I would serve celery (aka bamboo) on a bamboo dish. Cheesy, but cute, right?

Panda Party

Sofia The First Birthday Party

Meghan (JaMonkey) and I had a Sofia The First Birthday Party complete with cupcakes with edible pearls on top, fruit plates, games and more. You can’t go wrong with princesses and princes.

Sofia the First Cupcakes birthday party

Anchors Away Birthday Party

Our mascot from school was a pirate. An Anchors Away Birthday Party would bring us back to those days! And popcorn would be remind me of all of those games I sat in the stands and watched.

Baby Beluga Birthday Party

This Baby Beluga Birthday Party. It’s just the cutest! Beluga bubbles bubble gum, the balloons, the cake and the sea creatures? It’s just too cute.

Baby Beluga 1st Birthday Party 603x1024

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

We’ve done a Mickey Mouse theme, but a Minnie Mouse Birthday Party would be right up our ally for showing our Disney Side. We could do Mickey Rice Crispy treats, and use a Minnie Mouse Sandwich cutter for the main course!

Mickey Mouse Rice Krispy Treat


After the party is over, maybe you can hit up one of these 100 places that will give you a freebie on your child’s birthday?

Any votes? Which one should we do for a birthday party?

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  1. I like the NEMO theme and the baby beluga theme, but my FAVORITE is the Cake Batter Rainbow Sprinkle Birthday Party!!!! (Could you please let my husband know I want a Sprinkle party in 4 weeks, haha!)

    1. I think it’s my favorite, too. And the post actually has directions for everything!

      I just love the cake, and the pretzels and the popcorn..and all of it!

      (Sending Mr. Phillips an email now!)

  2. Red would go nuts for the Beluga party or anything under the sea. For a first birthday, I LOVE the sprinkles on everything… but maybe that’s because I want to eat it all!

  3. These are great party ideas but I’d have to say that carnival party is my favorite. That would be great for a family reunion, too. Those Mickey Mouse Rice Crispy Treats are perfect for any occaision.

    1. Oh, that totally would be.

      And, seriously, those Mickey Mouse Treats were so hard to make. I don’t know how they cut those super thick ones at Disney World!

  4. I think a sprinkle cake is a must! I LOVE it! You can totally do a sprinkle cake with a pajama party birthday, right?

  5. pat chance says:

    I am with MommaE – sprinkles and breakfast – the breakfast idea was a really good one especially the food you prepared

  6. I’m noting the Anchors Away for my guy’s 2nd birthday in the spring! So many sweet ideas.

  7. Great ideas. I love the cupcake and farm ideas. When my daughter was younger she wanted a rainbow party so we did a rainbow of balloons, a treasure hunt (pot of gold at the end of the rainbow), and a bunch of rainbow crafts (fruit loop necklaces, tissue paper rainbows…). The next year she wanted butterflies so we went to the local audubon society who had a butterfly educational program and then we took nets and went to look for butterflies in their garden.

    1. Wow! Those are both amazing ideas! So creative, unique and fun!

  8. I’d love the sprinkles birthday party. It looks crazy fun and I LOVE sprinkles!

  9. A fire truck party! We had one for my big boy’s 3rd and he loved it! It was right at the station and they even let us get on the truck. 🙂

    1. A fire truck party! We had one for my big boy’s 3rd and he loved it! It was right at the station and they even let us get on the truck. 🙂 I know that wasn’t an option but it was among my favorites.

      From your options, I like the breakfast one. 🙂

      1. That sounds like a great idea! I’ve heard that the fire departments love having /hosting them, too!

  10. so many cute ideas! thx for sharing my cake batter and sprinkles party!

  11. Love the idea of a breakfast and jammies party! I kind of want to have one for myself every weekend…

  12. These are all such great ideas! My grandsons would love to have a Lego-themed party. How fun!

    1. And it doesn’t look all that hard to pull off, either!

  13. nicole dz says:

    I love the Lego them party and the Carnival theme looks like a ton of fun for kids. Great picks!

  14. Oh such fun ideas! We have his birthday coming up this spring! I love the carnival idea…and the Baby Beluga Birthday Party!!

  15. The Baby Beluga theme made me almost want to cry in joy… that has to be the cutest birthday theme that I have ever seen!! Although the Sunshine and Lemonade may have to come as a close second!

  16. I loved most the owl themed birthday party. Thanks for sharing this Krystin. Saved me time to look for inspirations. I’ve added this to my pocket!

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