Me….the real deal


I will never hide my feelings well.

I will always tell it like it is.

I will never be the cool kid.

I will always feel like the odd one out.

I will never really feel included.

I will always get bored easily.

I will never enjoy jumping through hoops.

I will always take things personally.

I will never have a sense of style.

I will always correct you when I think you are wrong.

I will never be ahead of the gang.

I will always have high expectations.

I will never accept less than I deserve.

I will always like change.

I will never be thick-skinned.

I will always want to learn more.

I will never spend money on myself first.

I will always think it is me you are laughing at or whispering about.

I will always be self conscious.

I will always love with all my heart and soul.

I will always be ME.


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  1. Girl, I could have written this! I mean it. I am trying to change a couple things, like always thinking people are talking about me and taking things personally. I bet a lot of women can relate to this, though. Just like I can. 🙂

  2. And we love you for it! I think many women, especially after children can relate to this post. Thanks for posting and showing us the real deal.

  3. I like it! And I like you! (Does that sound cheesy? Oh well, it's true!)

  4. long lost sisters. totally. one hundred times over.

    heart you buddy.

  5. OMG that is just like me too. I will always tell it like it is and I will always feel bad after I've hurt your feelings cause I was honest about it. !EEEK

    Glad to have found ya blog-friend!

  6. You sound like you have it all together to me! Knowing yourself is the hardest thing!
    I too will never be thick skinned:)

  7. It is amazing to me how utterly different we are. Yet we get along and have a good friendship too. Never change being you 🙂

  8. I think you are stronger and more thick skinned than you think.
    You are awesome.
    What I like about you most is your honesty.

  9. All true and all are great things about you because it's important to be real and those are the things that make you a wonderful wife, mother, friend, teacher, person. Except the fashion thing…hello! You've been carrying around that rockin' pink purse that I love! 🙂 If it doesn't come naturally, you've at least learned it!

  10. What a great, honest list!!
    I like you for all of those reasons!! (even if half are totally opposite from me and some are dead on! lol)
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. What a fantastic list to create about yourself. I love your honesty, and I have SO much in common with what you've listed.

  12. great post! I have a lot of the same "always" and "nevers."

  13. Love the post! I can relate to many of these items!!

  14. "De-lurking" for the first time here because I think you just wrote about me! Krystyn, thank you for sharing. I think we are all more alike than different.

  15. I heart you. Because you wrote who you are–who you truly are–and I could identify with almost all of them.

    Awesome honey.


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