Mommy and Me Monday-The first edition-LINK UP!

Thank you for joining me on this new endeavor, Mommy and Me Monday.  I can’t wait to see you all out from behind the camera and in front of the lens.  It will be good for us all to be added to the documentation of our lives (as well as the lives of our children).  Read a description of Mommy and Me Monday for more information.
We went to the Georgia Aquarium this weekend (along with many other things, keeping us quite busy).  It was awesome to see the fish and exhibits through their eyes. 
#2 lit up at the site of the touching pool with sharks and rays. 
#1 loved the whale sharks and was in awe of how big they were.
Of course, it was another thing convincing them to lean up against the glass wall of the tank to take a picture.  I’m positive they thought they were going to fall in.  In their defense, those fish do look a little hungry.


Want to join in with Mommy and Me Monday

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  1. I didn't get a picture this week so it is my goal to join your linky next week! Cute picture and I so agree – I am in about 1 picture in 25 I think!!!!

  2. Great picture.

    I add my link.

    Have a nice week.

  3. Didn't get one this week, everyone's been sick and blah. Will definitely try for next week, though.

  4. Sweet idea! I very rarely get a picture with my girl. We went to the aquarium in Chattanooga last weekend, but all the pics are of her and Daddy. Sigh.

  5. Mommy and Me Monday is an awesome idea! I have become a follower and will link up with my Monday post! Thanks so much ~ Jenn

  6. Let's see if this will get my husband behind the camera for once! ; )

    (Tried for something witty…but it is early Monday morning and back to school)

    Have a great week!

  7. Love the picture. Did I know y'all lived in GA? I linked up because this is a great idea, but my picture was from last weekend (I'm late to the game) hope that's okay.

    I'm still working on my form!!

  8. I am new to your blog…love it!! And I think this is such a great idea! I just linked up! Excited for this challenge!!

  9. Melody did not want to touch the glass either! Cute photos!

  10. whoo hooo i am number twenty!!!

    ps – love the sharks pic. pretty sure there is some underlying message there but i can't come up with it 🙂

  11. Love this idea! And your pic with your kiddos is adorable. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Cute picture! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'll try and do the Mommy and Me next week!

  13. Cute pic! Those fish do look like they wouldn't mind taking a bite out of two cute Serious girls!

  14. This is really an awesome idea…thanks so much for thinking of it and for hosting it!

    Love the picture of you and your little ones. I must admit I have some fish fear myself, so I am impressed with their bravery. 🙂

  15. Cute pic! I'm sure I'll participate once I have this baby and take more pictures. I've been bad at all pictures lately!

  16. I love that picture of you and your girls! I'll have to play along another week as I didn't have any good pics! Unless of course we can use any recent pic!

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