Mommy and Me Monday | 102nd ed | Laps


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

Man, these girls sure know how to make a momma’s heart go pitter patter.  They sure do love each other!  (It’s so fun to see the picture on the wall right above them is almost this same pose 2 years ago…man are they cuter than ever!)

lap cuddles

Then, daddy reminded me that I needed a picture (isn’t he good like that?)  So, they invited me to join them (because they are nice like that).


*No children were harmed in the making of this photo.  Promise.*

In other news, the car seat is installed and the girls’ seats have been rearranged.  Her room is already.  The swing is put together (and thank goodness, it still works).  The girls bags are all packed, and mine is almost packed.  So, anytime you are ready, Baby Girl, mommy is more than ready!

Mommy and Me Monday at  Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies.  If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link.  It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

I try to make sure and visit all of you and leave some comment love.  Please spread the love!  And, I never mind the comments, either:)

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  1. oh my goodness that last pic with you “sitting” on the girls is all sorts of awesome!! so excited for when that babe is out of your belly and snuggled on top of her sisters laps!

    ps – i was sooo thinking of you today – sure i might be getting a text with the big news!! any day now friend – any day!!

    1. I would soo rather them all on my lap right now!

      I want to be texting you soon, too. Like yesterday.

  2. Grammy Lura says:

    Ahhh sweet Krystyn you are surely in my prayers. I hope that all is going well. I hope your little miss makes her appearance soon and without any drama. Good luck dear. God bless.

    1. Thank you for the prayers..and yes, drama free certainly would be nice.

  3. Your girls are adorable! Can’t wait to “meet” your little one.

  4. the pictures are REALLY REALLY cute!! not much longer until baby #3 is here!! 🙂

    1. Yeah..and I’d like to say I’m not counting..but I AM!

  5. Love the picture, the girls look like they loved to have Mommy on their laps! They are so sweet, I try and get pictures of my boys hugging and it quickly turns into wrestling.

    1. Oh, that does happen here, too, the wrestling, I mean!

      They did say ouch a couple times:)

  6. OH goodness, not too much longer until you have your THREE girls to take pics with you!! WOOT! 😀

    1. Here’s hoping! I’m ready for her to be in pictures instead of my belly!

  7. They sure do love each other! So excited for your newest little one to come!

    1. Yes, for the most part, they really do (but, there have been some instances of hitting with various objects…sugar and spice!)

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