Celebrating 13 and 11 | Mommy and Me Monday | 505th ed


This week was a week full of birthday celebrations. The oldest two turning 13 and 11 was pretty big at our house. (Their birthdays are a day apart, so they often get lumped together, but get their own days, too)

Several months ago, my parents found out that For King and Country was playing in Atlanta. Our oldest had done a duet of one of their songs, so they bought the girls (and us) tickets to see the show. The girls’ Grammi came into town which worked out well because she got to have some time with the littles and we got to take our oldest two out to dinner and to a concert. (Sorry K for cancelling you as a sitter….we’ve got you for the next time!)

Mommy and Me Monday For King and Country

We asked some nice women to grab a couple pictures for us after dinner and before the concert. Really glad we got her to grab these!

Then, Mr. Serious went to the bathroom and left his phone on the table. Lindsey and Meghan know what happens when you leave a phone unattended. We didn’t disappoint. (Also, we are a thirsty bunch…we all drank our waters to the bottom!)

stole his phone

After dinner, we walked over the The Fox Theatre to find our seats and get settled for the concert. 

Mommy and Me Monday For King and Country

Then the show started.

And I don’t think my ears or internal organs have recovered from the noise in the concert since Thursday! THEY. ARE. LOUD! Combined with the squeak and squeak of the teenager girl scream. Whew!

But the girls enjoyed it, and one of the singers, Joel, came up to the balcony and gave the oldest a high five, so I think she pretty much was impressed with that.

I’ve now decided that I’m “I need to wear earplugs to a concert” years old. 

We enjoyed walking around the square for an event and letting the kids play in the little play area. On the way back to the car, we walked down one of the alleys where we’ve had a couple family portrait sessions done. (I need to schedule another one!) The girls asked to stop to get a picture in the same-ish area (the sun was pretty bright), but Grammi helped us get one. You can see some of the older ones here and here (I was pregnant with B in those and wasn’t telling people yet). 

Family picture at the square

We also made sure to get a group family shot at request by E of B after dessert! 

family picture at home

The girls had a great week leading up to their birthdays which included some more meals out, getting their ears pierced and a lot of special time with family!

Happy 13 and 11!!!

What did you do this week?

GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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