Our little Butterton
At quick glace, knowing it was a birthday weekend, you would probably suspect that was icing on her finger.
But, if you look closely, you’ll notice her little little hand is a little greasy and shiny. Maybe too greasy and shiny for icing.
And, in fact, if you suspected it isn’t icing, you would be correct.
It’s actually butter. Butter. Again. Ick. Ewww.
I’m totally not a Butterton, but apparently, somebody else. Because, she sure thinks it’s good. Great even. Just look at the smile on her face.
Cholesterol doesn’t count when the Butterton is so cute, right?
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Butter IS pretty good. Especially on bread. YUM. I love that she’s just dippin’ her finger in it! LOL!
I have several who would eat an entire stick if allowed to. 🙂 She is so cute!
Mmm mm. From one butterton to another, tell her I don’t blame her one bit.
Maggie is that way too! We have to tell her to eat the roll/bread/cracker that the butter is on – not just use it as a scoop to get butter!
As you know I only use real butter and love it, sparingly of course. When I eat it I still remember the buttered bread at my Grandma’s house, she also only used real butter. She probably got this gene from me. Love the cure shirt, isn’t that the one I got her?
MM is a butterton, too. I just don’t understand it. Give me a spritz of vegetable oil instead please.
What a doll!
well, tell her to enjoy eating butter now, coz she won’t be able to later in life! what a cutie
Nat is welcome over here anytime…we are a family of buttertons and always well stocked!
I Love butter… if only I was cute enough that the Cholesterol didn’t count for me either!
so cute!
i just had to google butterton.
and guess what i too am a butterton.
Butterton! LOL! That is funny 🙂 Firefly did the same thing when she was little…it is so weird!