Photostory Friday

PhotoStory Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Meet Emily. She’s my sister.
#1 loves her. Can you tell why?
She lets her eat fudgsicles for a snack…

in my living room.

She helps her bake cookies, shows her how to eat the dough, and then eat the cookies.

And, loves her “Blubs” to death. Can you tell the feeling is mutual?

Emily is new to the blogging business. Her friends tell her you must have kids to have a blog. Prove them wrong. Go visit her at M’s Memorable Moments. Leave her some love. I told her she has to visit you, too! And she had to leave you some love. And of course, I pimped her blog!!

So, go, and especially read this post and see why our mom looks like this after a family vacation.

Much love and happy PSF!!!

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  1. They are so happy together, what a wonderful Aunt! Can’t wait to go and check out her blog!!

  2. I checked it out. Love the design! You do awesome work! I also left her some love! Thanks for letting us know about her blog. Your daugher is adorable. I especially love the picture where she is fully listening to the story!

  3. Aw, what a great auntie! Off to check out her place now.

  4. Going to go check it out and your pictures are GREAAATTT!

  5. awww how cute are they??

    i want to have a cool aunt like that!

    off to go visit her world now 🙂

  6. Lovin her blog design. Ya’ll favor quite a bit. I will be checking in on her from time to time as well. guess the sense of humor runs in the family. huh?

    On and not to make you nervous or anything but the counter says only

    62 more day to go. I mean that’s basically two months. Wow I’m excited for you. Oh wait are you excited?

  7. How fun is she! I want a fudgesicle and some cookie dough now.

  8. sure your sister can do all the fun stuff. It’s not her living room 😉

    looks fun.

    ohh yeah you don’t need kids to have a blog. Just a want-to-post and share 😉 I’ll drop by and check it out

  9. Great, now my nose is on your blog too.

  10. I checked her out! You need to convince her to PSF with us next week!!!

    LOVE the pictures. She looks like the kind of aunt every kid deserves!!!!!

  11. says:

    That’s the aunt I want to be to the new baby. Yay for your sister.

  12. Hey! You don’t need kids to have a blog–I don’t! LOL I’m going over there right now to check her out!

  13. looks like Izzy loves her Aunt Em like Luke loves HIS Aunt Em!

    too cute!

  14. yes! Great design! (your photo story makes me miss my sister!) How lucky you are!

  15. What a fun auntie! I’m on my way over. 🙂

  16. Your post seriously made me cry! I miss my Blubs so much, and Sampson too! I can’t wait to meet the baby and watch Izzy being a big sister. She will be great! Thanks for sending over so many people…this is already addicting. I could sit here for hours and read and add comments but I have to clean my house…a 21 year old male roomate can be quite messy! Hope I can come visit soon…I want a pic with you super knocked up with Sampson like I have when Blubs was in your belly! Glad I get to do all the fun stuff with Izzy!!!!!

  17. das some stone cold trippin pimp job you did there…


  18. Aunts and uncles get to have all the fun and none of the work, I swear. Your sister is adorable and looks like she really adores your daughter. So sweet!

    I’ll go check out her blog in a sec.

    I’ve been meaning to tell you, I like your new profile pic! It’s nice to see yoU!

  19. Aunties are the greatest people! I know cause I am one and my children have tons of them. They are great! I can see how the love goes both ways with those two.

  20. Aunties are the greatest people! I know cause I am one and my children have tons of them. They are great! I can see how the love goes both ways with those two.

  21. Hey Krystyn!

    I’m not sure if you’ll remember me or not, but we were on drill team together way back when.

    Just wanted to tell you that your blog always cracks me up and I love the pictures of Izzy! She is such a doll!

  22. Hi Krystyn–I can’t remember if I stopped by to thanks thaks for entering my giveaway! So, in case I didn’t–good luck!!

  23. MamaGeek @ Works For Us says:

    Now THAT. THAT is one kick @ss Aunt. Is she for rent?

    BTW, did you change your profile pic? LOVE. IT.

  24. It sure looks like they are having fun.

  25. What a great aunt and sister!
    On my way to check out the sista!

  26. What happened to you? I hope that you are o.k.

    I did go and visit Emily’s post. Glad to meet her

  27. Just visited your sister’s place.

    Am I allowed to be mad at how many comments she already has? Just askin’

    She IS a really cool aunt… I’ll give her that.

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