Some lovely women in my life threw me a baby shower (my Bible Study ladies). We got some diapers, wipes, butt balm, a couple stuffed animals, blankets and some outfits.

One of them sent me home with these beautiful flowers. Now, I’m no MamaGeek with a macro lens. Hopefully, these will suffice:)

Not really so much of a story, but some pretty flowers that I felt compelled to capture.

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  1. Oh- that looks like a gerbera daisy. I love those!!

    I love flowers. I know that when people buy them for you they die and all, but they’re so pretty and make me smile while they’re alive! 🙂

  2. The flowers are beautiful! I want some! That was such a nice thing for them to give you a shower!

  3. Those are some pretty flowers. Glad you had a great baby shower. Can’t wait until the sequel gets here!!

  4. The flowers are beautiful! I love fresh flowers.

  5. That was really sweet of them to have a shower for you!

    And the flowers? So pretty. Fresh flowers always seem to brighten everything up.

  6. says:

    How did they smell?? They look delicious & fragrant.

  7. MamaGeek @ Works For Us says:

    Oh these ARE beautiful, and how nice of them to throw you a shower like that! Seriously, doesn’t random acts of kindness like that make all the difference?

    Your shots rock JUST as much!

  8. Oh I LOVE the colors of these flowers!

    So sweet of them to throw you a shower (your gonna need that butt balm! HA!)

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Wow! That color is stunningly vibrant. Beautiful shots!

  10. I’m so glad that your friends gave you a shower…and what beautiful flowers…thanks for sharing.

    I put your name on the temple pray roll again when I went there last night. I am praying that all will go well for you through the end of this pregnancy.

  11. How nice of your bible study ladies to throw you a shower. The flowers are really pretty. I love Gerbera Daisies!

  12. So pretty!

    I was so touched by all the little gifts and cards we received for our second baby, just because they were so unexpected.

  13. Wow those are beautiful! I love when ladies get together for celebrations such as these.

  14. They are gorgeous and the color is awesome!

  15. awwww.

    a baby shower it just a reminder that the TIME IS COMING SOON!!!!

  16. Wow, how nice of them to throw you a shower. Those are some beautiful shots. I need to go out and buy some fresh flowers!

  17. I just looked at your baby counter thing…HOLY COW!!!!! Only 18 days to go. Seriously, OMG! Where has the time gone? It seemed like you were preggo with Izzy for ever, but Sampson is so quick! Can’t wait to meet Sampson!

  18. those are beautiful! can’t beat getting some purty flowers! 🙂 and i ca’t believe you are 37 weeks?!? did i read your ticker right??

  19. Those are gorgeous shots! You did MG proud!!

    And YAY for baby showers! I hope the next few weeks goes fast for you!!!

  20. aww, thats so sweet!!!

    I think your flower pics came out great!! 🙂

  21. 16 days to go? The bun is just about cooked! Lovely flowers. “Butt Balm” – funny. I love it.

  22. Beautiful flowers!! You did a great job capturing them. I’m so glad you had a nice baby shower and got some good stuff to help prepare for the new little one. :o)

  23. Those are gorgeous flowers!! I think you got the shots just perfect 🙂

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