Trip to Austin | 14th Anniversary of Mommy and Me Monday | 733rd ed


14 years later and I’m still getting these kids in a picture once a week…or at least one of them.

This is the first official picture!

First Mommy and Me Monday at the Aquarium

My first ever Mommy and Me Monday: February 21, 2010!

And, there might have been other anniversaries, but I thought I’d put the halfway point in there, the 7th anniversary of Mommy and Me Monday.

They’ve all grown a bit (or come into existence) since that first picture.

For our late winter/February break, we decided to head to the Austin area. I wanted somewhere warmer and where we could go outside and hike/walk around. Even on a non running day, I still had 19,000 steps, so I think we succeeded!

flying to austin mommy and me monday
Waiting for our flight to de-plane. Third and second to last row, but we all got together.

We arrived Sunday and made our first stop at HEB. That’s one thing Texas has going for it!

Monday morning, we all ran and then met Mr. Serious’ sister’s family at a BBQ restaurant. That hit the missing BBQ food spot! Lean brisket on the menu? YES!

After, we headed to their house, hung out for a bit and then had a walk through the paths in their neighborhood. I’m not sure what classifies a walk vs a hike, but I think this bordered on a hike.

park in austin mommy and me monday
We all climbed a rock and had to get a picture.

Tuesday, the oldest three and Mr. Serious had a run. B and I had a nice walk and stopped to take a picture with Tooter the Turtle. Really, we just travel to different places to run.

with tooter the turtle in round rock mommy and me monday

After getting showered and ready, we drove to San Antonio to visit the Alamo, River Walk and Mr. Serious’ uncle.

at the alamo with davey crockett mommy and me monday
At the Alamo with Davy Crockett.

Wednesday, we didn’t do a morning run because we headed north of the city to Georgetown for a college visit and visiting with old professors. The city has grown a lot (apparently, like one of it not the fastest growing in the US?) and looked very different.

When there’s a cool art display, you have to take a picture!

recycled street sign art mommy and me monday

(Don’t worry, coaches, they ran in the afternoon!)

Thursday, we started the day with a run in Georgetown. We thought we were going for a loop, but when we hit almost 2 miles and didn’t start going in the other direction, I pulled out my map and determined it would be an out and back.

post running mommy and me monday

Post run, it was time to dip our feet in Blue Hole. It was too cold for a swim for us, but toes felt nice.

getting our feet wet in blue hole mommy and me monday

That evening we meet up with high school and college friends and their families and had dinner. We decided we definitely need to get together more than every 20 years!

It’s crazy that I can chat about 20 years ago and refer to college friends while also celebrating 14 years of Mommy and Me Monday, but here we are!

What did you do this week?

GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Come share your picture on the Facebook thread or use #MommyAndMeMonday!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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