Warm Hands, Warm Heart | WW


It is cold here.  Really silly, stupid cold.

Those little hands?  They are like ice cubes.  And, she thinks it’s hilarious to put those ice cold hands on mommy’s bare skin.


So, when we had the fire (which had been going until Monday when we ran out of wood), daddy taught her how to warm her hands in the fire…and it warmed my heart.

wordful wednesday: warm hands

Now, if only we had a fire every day for her to sit by. Then, she wouldn’t put those freezing digits on me all the time.

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  1. awwww 🙂

    so glad daddy is at home instead of you know where (tee hee) so he can snuggle by the fire with his favorite girls!

    1. And, it’s really not funny, is it?

      I try to get her back when my hands are cold and she thinks it is hilarious.

  2. Awww so adorable! I love it when we have a fire!

    1. We’ve been having a lot of them…it’s been coooollllddd here!

  3. Came across your blog while blog hopping and just had to say – ooh, what a cutie!! Love love love the hair. (Fellow redhead here.)

    1. Thanks for stopping by…her sister is a red head, too:)

  4. I’ve been woken up every day for the last few weeks by a pair of ice-cold hands on my back- OUCH! But, they are pretty cute, aren’t they?

    1. Yeah, pretty cute. But, woken up by that? I don’t think my reaction would be very cute!

  5. We have a lovely fire place. We have a ton of cut wood. We have a daddy in the house who hates making fires! So jealous of your toasty little hands!

    1. Really? Doesn’t like fires? We love having ours…even if we sometimes fill our upstairs with smoke when the wind is blowing the wrong way. It’s soooo warm.

  6. I’m never a big fun of the cold…unless I get a fire in the fireplace out of it! : ) We have lots of cold little hands over here too. I just get right back at them though…my hands can be quite cold and can make them jump too! ; )

    1. I get back at her, too….but the little stinker things it’s funny!

  7. Thats so cute. Your daughters look like your husband. I always find that amusing that girls look their dads. My daughter think its funny to turn the heater on and off. We are moving into a house at the end of the month….can’t wait till I can turn on my own fireplace.

    Thanks for sharing


    1. I get mixed opinions..some say me, some say him. I think they both look like him!

      Oh, she turns it off? That’s not cool at all.

      Here’s to your new house and new fireplace.

    1. We’ve all been enjoying it..it’s not supposed to be in the teens in the south.

  8. My Uncle Mark and Aunt Liz have a fire place and I have thoroughly enjoyed it over Christmas Break <3 Your pic is too cute of her with Mr. Serious 🙂

    Love, Mere

  9. Cute picture – you need to teach the girls how to rub theri hands together to make them warm – might be fun to see who can get theirs the warmest. What’s Izzy been up to lately – haven’t seen her in pictures since Mommy & me Monday.

    1. That firewood? It’s super expensive! We’ve gone through like $40 in wood already!

  10. Grammy Staffy says:

    What a sweet picture. My dad ran off and left us when I was 7. I missed having a father. That is one reason I am so thankful that my John is a good father and so are my son-in-laws. I miss being in Utah with family but it was really cold there too. It is much warmer now that we are back in CA.
    Hugs, Grammy L

    1. Trust me, having a father that might as well have done the same, I am so very thankful that my husband is a great father, too!

      I wish I was in CA with the warmth right now, too.

  11. LOVE this picture of the two of them. 🙂

  12. Love that picture! Our wood burning stove is not quite as photogenic, but it sure gets the job done of heating our living room. I would love a beautiful fireplace with a mantle 🙂

    1. Ours isn’t as warm as your stove, I bet! Right now, I’d rather have the warmth!

      Grass is always greener, right?

  13. Oh that is so stinkin’ cute!!! I was listening to my own wee girl helping her Dad cook dinner tonight and it warmed my heart. Hope your wee girl keeps her hands warm for you!! :>

    1. Wait…daddy and daughter cooking dinner? I need to get that action happening here!

      Nope, she hasn’t kept them warm. She thinks it’s too funny to put them on mommy!

  14. My hubby does that to me with his hands and his feet.
    I’m too nice to get him back because he has a circulation disorder, so his hands get really cold as soon as the temp gets below 65. It’s been like that here in Florida for a couple of weeks, we are miserable.
    Love the photo of her… and of course you ran out of firewood, who would have “thunk” you would have all that snow in ATLANTA????

  15. AWWW! That picture warmed my heart! How so very sweet! Thanks for sharing hun!

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