5 Tips for a Safe Fall Season Around the House



Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner. When it hits, there are reminders to replace the batteries in both your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. But, there are also many other things that we should remember to keep our house and kids safe throughout the year. Daylight saving and the change to Fall is just a great time to check on them and make sure everything is still working as it should.

Replace batteries

Pull out your ladder and replace the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. Pop those puppies out and replace them to keep your house safe. While you are at it, have a home fire drill, too.

Check safety gear

All of those safety latches you put on the cabinets? Make sure they still work. All of the furniture you bolted to the wall? Check to make sure they are still strong and in place. TVs that are mounted on the wall or a stand? Check to make sure that the TV mount is still secure.

Flashlights and Radios

Make sure your flashlights and weather radios have new batteries in them. You never know when power could go out and want to make sure you have access to weather related information and you can see around your house to get to safety.

Air Filters / Space Heaters

Change your air filters in your furnace and make sure your space heaters, if you are using one, are up to safety code and far away from anything flammable.

Cleaning Supplies and Laundry Detergent

Check to make sure no one has moved your cleaning supplies or laundry detergent to a place that is accessible by your children. A recent ACI survey found that as many as 81% of parents mistakenly think their children cannot reach their liquid laundry packets. It’s important to make sure laundry packets are always stored in their original container and in a locked cabinet or closet when not in use. Check out the infographic and video below for more important information on the importance of laundry safety.

Make sure you also take the KEY Pledge for a safe laundry room and routine! You’ll be entered for a chance to win a $2,500 laundry room makeover!

Laundry Safety

It shouldn’t take but a couple minutes to run through everything and make sure your house and home stay safe this fall!

Are there any other safety tips you have for this season? 

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  1. These are great safety tips. We always change all of our batteries on a seasonal basis to make sure we always have flashlights and our fire alarms are working.

  2. These are great tips for safety… accidents happen, it’s SO important to be able to bring the original packaging to the hospital if a child ingests one of these soaps. They are not all made the same!!!

    Thanks for looking out for all the littles 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing these tips. I also make sure to keep valves cleaned and free from dirt and dust as it is really easy to accumulate. It also affects the heating capability and makes a lot of difference when these are cleaned annually, at least.

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