6 of the Best Baby Safety Tips for Baby Safety Month
Right after I got that + sign on a pregnancy test, I went into mom hyper-overdrive (yes, I was intentionally redundant). I wanted to do all of the research and make sure I had my “i’s” dotted and my “t’s” crossed. It wasn’t so much about the name brands and how things looked, but about safety. We wanted to make sure we kept our precious gift as safe and out of harm’s way as humanly possible.
Of course, that means that we did overlook some things and had to learn from our mistakes (as most parents do) and thankfully, nothing ended up catastrophic.
In honor of Baby Safety Month I thought it would be a good time to remind everybody of those ever important baby safety tips. So many of these are things that we didn’t think were necessary (big mistake) or just didn’t realize we needed to do.
Cleaning Supplies
Store all cleaning supplies in their original containers and out of reach of children. Even if they are out of reach, kids get curious, so make sure those cabinet doors are also locked. Making sure you keep everything in the original container is also very important.
Use baby gates (we’ve been through a couple and by far this is our favorite) at the top and bottom of the stairs. I’m here to tell you that you will never be fast enough and never be everywhere to catch or stop them. Most importantly, make sure that everybody in the family that goes through a gate closes the gate on the other side.
Also remember that you must be vigilant when they are practicing on the stairs, too. Falling down a couple stairs when you are right there can result in a broken leg.
Bolt all furniture to the wall. Seriously. Do it. The safety brackets are inexpensive and they take just a couple minutes to install. You don’t think your child is a climber, and maybe they aren’t. But, it took pulling out one too many drawers for it to happen to our oldest and it’s terrifying.
Also make sure you have drawers that have stops and can’t be pulled all the way out. Babies become Hercules and can do things I never imagined.
Car Seats
Have a car seat that is the correct size and know how to install it properly. Know that you will see people that use their car seats incorrectly, but educate yourself. I thought it was safe to put my baby’s car seat in the top of a shopping cart. It’s not. Falls happen all the time and it can actually break the mechanism in the carseat. Don’t use a carseat in the top part of a store cart
I used to have my girls wear their jackets in their carseats, and then I learned that you can’t get the harness safe enough and my baby could actually slip out in an accident. Don’t use a jacket under car seat straps
Around the House
If you have a pet, make sure the water bowl isn’t at kid level. On the same note, don’t leave your baby unattended in the bathtub or on the changing table. They are quick!
Keep a first aid kit in the car/diaper bag and one at home. Mine has come in handy more times than I ever would have imagined.
Cover your electrical outlets with covers or swap them for kid safe versions.
Baby Gear
Register: You know those little cards that come with all of your baby gear to register it? Fill them out. Most of them can even be done online now. They will alert you if there is a recall and tell you how to fix it so that you and your baby stay safe.
Diapers: Yes. Diapers. While it’s not something you might think of in the “baby safety” category, they still kind of are. Diapers help keep your babies dry and potentially rash-free. They are in fact products that are good for babies and bring peace of mind to parents.
When we were buying disposable diapers, one of the brands I often went for was Luvs. Luvs provide Ultra Leakguard protection, affordable prices, AND a money back guarantee. I recently learned they have become the official diaper of experienced parents.
Shopping for Luvs at Walmart will save parents money, too. The brandSAVER coupon in the 8/26 Sunday paper is good for $2 off two bags or one box of Luvs diapers at Walmart.
How do you make sure to keep your little one safe?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Luvs at Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.
I only have a few more months to dig out all the baby safety stuff and install it. That will go by faster than I expect!
Great reminders! It’s easy to remember the basics like outlet covers but forget the “bigger” things. Which reminds me, I need to install our cabinet locks. We moved to this house when our son was big enough that we no longer needed any. Of course, my little crawler is on the move big time and starting to discover these doors & drawers open. Thankfully, I have a box full – just need to get out the drill & screw driver and make it happen.
Great tips! I think a lot of people miss bolting furniture to the walls. That’s so important.
Thank you for these great reminders! We still have one piece of furniture that needs attention, and is the scariest (to me!). Our bedroom dresser needs to be bolted but it already tilts a bit and the molding makes it even more difficult. It’s super heavy, too. It’s a multiple whammy of danger. He’s never in there alone but I know shit happens in the blink of an eye. Not sure what to do. Guesse we can do the drawer latches, at least. Sigh.
Great reminders! I think most parents remember basics like outlet covers and baby gates, but forget that bitties move quick when you least expect it. They’re into everything they shouldn’t be in a flash! We always found it super important to put knob locks on our stove and to make sure no paint/wallpaper was flaking/peeling. That way, no one could inadvertently turn on the gas or flame or put chemicals in their mouths.
These are great tips. I think a lot of people forget about the furniture. And I always mean to have a first aid kit in the car, then I take it out and forget to put it back in.
What a lovely & smart idea this is! Really great & smart. So much informative & valuable. Thanks a lot. Keep up the great job.
Hi, I am I am Margaret Rodgers. Thanks for your awesome article. Actually, I want to add this point “Avoid Soft Objects”. Soft mattresses, loose bedding’s can increase the risk of suffocation, entrapment, or strangulation out of the crib.
Soft objects like pillows, comforters, quilts, stuffed soft toys, bumper pads etc. can cause a baby to suffocate. It is very much important for the parents coz most of the parents do not know about it. For that most of the parents face the risk of suffocation, entrapment, or strangulation of their baby when they are out of the crib.
You are very right. Thank you for this addition.