Almost Total Eclipse | Mommy and Me Monday | 393rd ed


It’s been a week here. The kids are still figuring out school and adjusting and so are we. So, we’ve got tired, worn down kids…and parents. And, we started out the week with the eclipse.

The older three were supposed to watch at school, but they couldn’t verify their glasses, so I got them early and used the glasses we had. The sun hid behind the clouds, so we looked for a count of two at the sun with our glasses which was really the only way we could see it.

Eclipse Mommy and Me Monday

Then we popped into the backyard where we were attached by mosquitos, and saw the really cool eclipse shadows. We couldn’t see them in the front, so I was excited we saw them in the backyard.

Eclipse shadows

We’ve been getting to carpool early and parking, so we sit and have some time to take pictures and act silly. No, it’s not cold enough for a MLP hoodie, either.

carpool selfie

It’s super sad because it’s been a great weekend weather-wise here, but right now, our families in the Houston area are facing some bad weather, lots of flooding and rain and they’ve just announced that they are releasing water behind dams. Please, say some prayers, put out positive thoughts and if you can consider making a donation. It’s going to be a long month for them as the city gets through this and eventually starts the recovery process.

What did you do this week?

GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Since the button code stopped working many moons ago, I took it out. But, if you are adding your link to my link list, please, as a courtesy, add a link back to my site so people can explain and link up themselves if they’d like. After all, that’s the point of the link up!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.  Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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  1. My daughter was so excited to see the eclipse at school! I watched it from the work parking lot 🙂

  2. This was such a fun part of history to be alive to see! 🙂

  3. We were completely cloud covered here so we didn’t see any of the eclipse. We watched on tv.

    Houston was really hit hard. Keeping everyone in my prayers.

  4. It turns out that Donald Trump wasn’t the only one sneaking a peek at last week’s eclipse without proper protection. I scoured the internet to find certified sellers and spent ungodly hours waiting in line to purchase the eye protector, just for the chance to watch an environmental phenomenon that’d last less than three minutes. Protection of eyes is necessary.

  5. donna porter says:

    We watched the eclipse at our neighbor’s home. She had a small get together and we did have fun!

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