Mommy and Me Monday-The 4th Edition


Thank you for joining me on this new endeavor, Mommy and Me Monday.  I can’t wait to see you all out from behind the camera and in front of the lens.  It will be good for us all to be added to the documentation of our lives (as well as the lives of our children).  Read a description of Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

Thursday really was a bad day.  The kind of day that makes me want to quit my job bad. 

But, thankfully, my girls had the solution to my bad day

#2 kept climbing up into this arm chair and leaning over the side.  I went up to kiss her, and the fun continued for a while.  All three of us girls were cracking up. 

She kept leaning in for more and more kisses, and then she would just lean her open mouth on mine.  Again, we all erupted in laughter.

Amazingly enough, I took this picture with my camera by myself, just holding it out.  That’s no small feat.   Maybe The 30 Day Shred is working!

Mommy and Me Monday (kissy face)

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Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

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Leave a comment to let me know you stopped by and make sure you head over and check out all of the other Mommy and Me Monday posts and leave them some comment love.


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  1. Hey, Happy Sunday/Monday…
    Love the open mouth. So cute.
    Please consider joining my sad little Self Portrait Sunday meme.

  2. That is adorable! I hope she gives me lots and lots of kisses! The Shred must be working…that camera is heavy! Can't wait to do that with you and Papa Bear!

  3. I had one of those days last week, too! Your girls are the best. Too cute!

  4. Oh man, I just love this age!! My David is just starting to lean towards me and open his mouth when I say "Kiss Kiss."

    Nat is such a sweet baby girl! You took a really great pic!

  5. That's so cute! Big smooches!

    And…I'm totally impressed with your picture taking skills. Just sayin'. That's an art with a big camera!

  6. There's nothing like kisses from your kiddos to make a bad day all better! So cute! And yes, great job on taking the photo yourself!

  7. sorry to hear about that bad day…but on the bright side that picture is definitely a keeper!

  8. N is a PRECIOUS! How old is she? She must be pretty close to my Leah's age, because Leah's been doing that all the time now. I've never enjoyed sloppy kisses so much. =)

    Have a fantastic week!

  9. That is really an awesome picture…and even cooler that you took it yourself! Sorry about your bad day. 🙁

  10. That is so sweet! And that capture is quite impressive. When I try that, I usually get a blurry limb…or the wall 🙂

  11. That is a really sweet photo! I tried the whole, holding the camera out thing, and it didn't work. Hmphf.
    I'm joining in later when I can get a half decent shot. 😉

  12. Oh how I KNOW what bad days are like! I can't wait to post about our Saturday – you seriously can't make some bad days up can you?! And you're so right – babies giggling makes everything better! So cute…and you're so talented 🙂

  13. Love To Shop Mom says:

    I love this pic! So Cute!

  14. Congrats on being the Uprinting blogger of the week. It's fun when they pick someone I know! 🙂

  15. That picture should be framed!! N is so precious!
    p.s. I'm so happy to participate this week!! This is fun and really made me committed to taking more photos of my boys and I together!

  16. Hello. I came across your site via UPrinting and wanted to say congrats on being the blogger of the week! Your little girl is so adorable and she has an awesome name too 😉

  17. So sweet! I can't wait til my little one knows how to give "sugars"….right now, she's just a biter! Love the Mommy and Me Mondays…thanks for inspiring me to take more pics of me and my sweet girl! Have a great week!

  18. How cute! Great job taking that picture yourself 🙂 that is a feat!

  19. Congrats on being blogger of the week! Your blog is great, I am now following and will be back often. Your daughters are adorable!

    I am always changing my blog design and layout so I will be in touch soon…

  20. That is such a sweet picture! Okay. I'm so doing this next week!!!

  21. Great job with the one handed shot! Very cute.

  22. I have seen this meme on a few blogs I visit regularly and I am sorry I have not visited yours as I think it is a wonderful thing to share.
    I don't have many of my kids baby pictures (their dad kept them in the divorce) but I LOVE looking at other peoples.
    I LOVE this picture of your daughter kissing you, and I agree that it is not easy holding that camera up yourself with one hand… I have the D90 and it is HEAVY!! You did a fantastic job.
    I am now following you on Twitter and have subscribed to your blog via email!

  23. That is impressive and I missed Mommy Monday again!! 🙁 Spring break messed me up.

  24. Aw, I remember games like that!! Time flies…

    I love the concept of this meme- I'm gonna have to join in soon!

  25. number 41!!! whooo hooo!!

    shhhh don't tell i am a day late 🙂

    ps – great shot mama!

  26. Very sweet!!!

    Are you still doing the shred? Any noticeable changes?

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