The pants of a chemist


I started pulling my jeans out of the dryer last weekend and saw a little something white.

Then, I kept pulling them out, and saw more and more white spots.


Isn’t chemistry fun? 

These holes didn’t show up on the day that I thought water was dropped and splattered on the floor.

But after a wash, rinse and dry, my jeans look like this.

Guess what?  I still wear them to work, too.

After all, isn’t this the “in” style these days?

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  1. Actually those holes aren't big enough to be "in style" with the teenage girls at my school.

    I'd totally wear em too.

  2. Um, I just love the fact that I know a chemist.

    And for the record? Those jeans are definitely wearable 🙂


  3. Holey jeans…chemistry is most certainly sexy. 🙂

    P.S. Is that how you spell holey? Because it looks weird but I am too lazy to check.

  4. Totally…you're now sporting the distressed look! Tres chic. 😉
    What did that to them?

  5. I'd wear them to work too. Especially if they'll just get more holey. You'll get the style for much cheaper right? Haha!

  6. mrs. hils says:

    I'm just glad your legs didn't get holes in them!

  7. I hate when that happens! I swear bleach and tiny rocks hide in the little crevices of our dryers, lurking and waiting ready to run our favorite clothes. A similar event just happened to me the other day. I discovered tiny orange spots on my black capri sweat pants. UGH! Do you know if they sell touch-up dye pens?

    Your jeans look o.k. to me. I'd still wear them too.

  8. why does it make me giggle that you are a chemist? it makes me feel kinda nervous – like you are in fact too smart to hang out with me!

  9. Sparkette says:

    You totally just saved yourself $100 I bet! LOL! 🙂

  10. LOL…rip a few holes in them and you'll be IN STYLE!

  11. I think it could be alternatively titles "How long until spring break?" = )

  12. Smart A$$ Mom says:

    Wait?! Where did the holes come from? I want to know the chemistry background for them!!

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