Mommy and Me Monday- Soccer mom…delayed (The 58th)


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

We were all ready to go to the very first soccer game of the season.  She was looking all cute…

Mommy and Me Monday- Soccer Mom

Even though the weather looked like this,

Mommy and Me Monday

we were loading up into the car to go.  I gave the email one final check, and we learned that all of the games were cancelled.  The girls had to go outside to see why they were cancelled.  Of course, it didn’t make sense to them, either.

So, they played a quick game of hide and seek.

Mommy and Me Monday

We decided to head to another soccer park to play at the playground before the rain came.

The girls thought it would be fun to ride on the dinosaur together.

Mommy and Me Monday- Soccer Mom...Delayed

After playing, we walked the track, and at almost precisely the time her game would have ended and we approached the covered concession stand, the sky opened up and the rain came down.

So, this soccer mom’s title has been delayed for another week.

Grab the button and link up.  Make some new friends and visit some old ones, too.

Mommy and Me Monday at  Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies.  If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link.  It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

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  1. At least the girls still got to get outside and play before the rain started 🙂 Love the soccer outfit by the way, she is TOO cute!

  2. You are going to be the best soccer mom! Love the jersey and shin guards!

  3. They always look so cute in their uniforms when they first start playing! Glad you all still had fun! 🙂

  4. Your daughter’s so cute in her soccer outfit! 😀

  5. Aww. That’s sad. Here she was all dressed up and ready to go. At least they got to go to the park. 😉

  6. Hi there! Im back!

    Oh that rain wass a spoiler! 😀 just kiddin!

    Happy mommy and me monday!

  7. she looks so cute on her soccer uniform too bad the game is cancelled!

  8. That is a nice uniform, I am sure your kid enjoyed the game. Visiting for MMM!

  9. They canceled it in anticipation of the rain???? I hope she wasn’t too disappointed!

  10. She is so ready! Good luck to your daughter.

  11. Looks like you and kids had fun in that week. I love their smiles.

  12. grandma Pat says:

    Izzy’s soccer uniform is cute. I remember going to Zac’s games with a light dusting of snow on the field. Don’t remember too many in the rain. The picture of Iz by the window, she looks like Aunt Deb when she was little.

  13. awwwww…she looks cute! way to go future soccer player….:) great that you got to play outside before the rain started.

  14. She did look so cute! And far better to cancel than to be out in the cold rain. I hated those Saturdays!

  15. She is the super cutest soccer kid ever.
    Glad you guys got to go outside, and that “soccer mom” status got delayed for just a little bit longer (I’m not looking forward to this either).

  16. This is such a great idea for a link up! I don’t have any post to link up yet – as I never get any pictures of me with the boys! This will be a great push to get more pics taken!! Thank you!


  17. We’ve had a lot of rain lately. Adding to the rain being sick, and we haven’t had much outside playtime either. It’s been rough. Glad you got out and had a chance to enjoy the park.

  18. we had our first tball game last weekend, it is crazy to see them so grown up isn’t it?

  19. At least you girlies got to spend some quality time together!
    Until next week!

  20. She is indeed cute in her outfit. and she gotten bigger too, both of them

  21. She looks SO super cute in her soccer outfit! Still trying to decide if Evan will be calm enough to play soccer next year! 🙂

  22. What a cute little soccer girl she is! Tucker is going to be doing a tball clinic in a few weeks & I can’t wait to see him out there with other kids his age “playing” haha!

  23. Mr. Serious says:

    Izzy was so ready to go. Next week we’ll do the 1st game. I’m betting she runs off of the field during the middle of the game for a random reason.

  24. Wow! Soooooooo cute!
    Sheesh….if they cancelled things out here with that sort of weather, there would hardly be anything going on……….

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