Weekend Fun | Mommy and Me Monday | 291st ed
For the past couple Saturdays, we’ve headed to the Y for the Mr. and I to attend a kickboxing class and the kids to go to the children’s area. That changed this week because the girls started soccer on Saturdays. So, we had to figure out our own solution.
Saturday, that meant I was walking around the soccer fields while watching the oldest two with games at the same time. The youngest two were handy as added resistance!
Sunday, the girls started back at AWANA, with E now old enough to go. That meant that B got some solo mommy and daddy time. And, we got some time to exercise. We headed up to a local soccer field with a path around it and did some jogging, running and additional exercises at the “corners” of each loop. B had fun (okay, gave us strange looks when we stopped) and it as fabulous weather for working out outside without being covered in sweat.
Now that school is back in session AND extra-curricular activities are in full swing, I foresee this fall flying by!
What were you up to this week?
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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.
Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.
I am glad you are getting the time to do something aerobic while the girls are busy. It’s great for Mr. Serious to participate also.
We have been so lazy on the team sports – as in, we have never signed our 6yo up. Seems like there is always so much going on especially with his year round school. He does go to a great program after school where they play sports & games along with have various structured activities from science to art. For now, our weekends are family time. This past Saturday that meant driving a little over an hour to join extended family for DH’s grandmother’s 89th birthday and yesterday taking advantage of the gorgeous weather to get the 4 of us outside for a walk & geocaching.
Love that last photo with you two & B. Looks like she is enjoying that one-on-one time! 🙂
Good for you guys for fitting exercise into that busy schedule!!
I agree that Fall will fly with school back in session and activities are in full swing in our house too.
Kickboxing class sounds interesting. We have a park with a walking path.
My weekend was quiet–really a much needed quiet weekend! Spent time with my family and got caught up on a few things.
We had Fall weather for two days and it was fabulous. Now it is hot, humid and icky out. I can’t wait for Fall..as if there is one in Texas. I see some tandem baby wearing for your next soccer Saturday. Talk about a workout!