Mommy and Me Monday-The 28th Edition
It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.
Sunday, we needed to get out of the house. And, surprisingly, it wasn’t a million degrees outside. In fact, it couldn’t have been much warmer than the low 80s. It was quite nice.
I asked Mr. Serious to help wrangle the girls. They weren’t too impressed with stopping to take a picture with mommy. Nor were they happy with the fact that we had to keep asking them to keep their tongues in their mouths.
I really can’t believe they are going to be 2 and 4 in a month and a half. It’s just insane.
*Congratulations to Jenny at Irish by Marriage, she won the pendant!
Want to join in with Mommy and Me Monday? Grab the button code (click in the box and copy it, then paste it into your post; it works best if you paste it into the html/source portion of your blog). Then add the link to your post in the linky (please link to the post and not your blog).
**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**
Make sure you head over and check out all of the other Mommy and Me Monday posts and leave them some comment love. It makes me sad to go to posts at the end of the day and only see one comment. Please spread the love! And, I never mind the comments, either:)
I am ready for a little cooler weather!!
hahah. funny story behind your picture yay 🙂
they are equally gorgeous kids just like their mom!
After my last comment, I think I’ve learned my lesson. :o) But I will say, gorgeous pic!
Oh, and I’m going to be in ATL this weekend. ;o)
two and four? you are right just not possible!
Even if they are not in the mood, they still look gorgeous!
The girls don’t look too happy to be in the picture. Still beautiful though!
They grow up so fast! 🙂
Great shot! I like the flowers, and the little green man on your head. Just kidding! Wrangling kids for a photo is tough. It’s great that you are able to get a picture with you and your girls every week! I’m impressed.
the weather has finally cooled down her some too. It was a nice day today (sunday). The girls sure are getting big. Time goes by too fast. Happy Monday (almost)!
They are so cute even when they don’t want to be!
We just had that conversation today…I can’t belive my baby will be 4 in a couple of weeks!
Aw this is a beautiful photo. It’s amazing how fast the time passes when you have children.
Such a sweet photo of you together. You are lovely.
And you should take a photo like that with the tongues a wagging 🙂
Glad you got to enjoy a nice day out!
Funny that your post is about it NOT being a million degrees and mine is about how it WAS a million degrees. Guess that is what happens when you live in Florida! It is nice in the winter, but not so much this time of the year!
I’m excited that I won! I am late for work now, but I’ll email you back later today!
It was actually pretty decent weather here too, nice for a change!!!
what a cute picture of you and your girls! ok – you are going to laugh at me… I combined my mommy and me with a not me today. i just had too! 🙂 too many not me’s and a few cute pics of me and my girls. 🙂 hope that is ok… hope you have a great Monday!
What a beautiful picture!
Glad you guys had such a beautiful day to be outside. We have to enjoy them while they last. Not too much longer until it turns chilly!
Wow 2and4. Are their birthdays fall on the same month? Good thin you Mr. Serious was so nice to got out and took beautiful photo of his wonderful girls.
Thanks for hosting Krystyn. Mine is here
Btw, congrats to the winner.
They look so alike! Can’t tell at all that they weren’t in the mood…they still look adorable as always!
Great post. Love the girls’ red hair…so pretty!
I linked up but accidentally linked to my blog instead of the exact post. Will try to do better next Monday.
Here’s the direct link to my Mommy and Me post if you can change it for me.
Have a great day.
Adorable picture – it is not easy getting two kids to cooperate in a picture at the same time!
2 and 4! They are getting so big! 🙂 Adorable pic of you and your girls 🙂
For being less than interested in the photo op, it sure turned out cute!
The weather was so nice indeed for a change….
I can’t get enough of your red haired kids… They are so cute!
Awe! Great photo of you and the cuties. They sure are growing up! 🙂 My boy just turned two and it was sure exciting. They grow so fast! Well, anyway I am back again mommy K and hope my entry is not too late. 🙂 Thanks again!
Adin B
Hello! Thanks for hosting this great blog hop! I found you on Beyer Beware.
It turned out cute though….:)
This seems to be a great Meme, I will try to join whenever I can, that way I can have pictures with my kiddos and share with every mom here.. Take care.
This is such a pretty one. Great lighting and pretty colors and there beautiful ladies. 😀
Someone please tell me why they look so old in this picture. Seriously. Iz looks like she’s nearly 7 and Nat looks TALL! Am I wrong?
It has been hard for me to realize my kids are 2 and 4 already. No more babies in the house.
I always look forward to your “Mommie and Me” posts because I get to see three of the cutest girls ever.
John and I are heading home today. I hate to say goodbye to these dear ones. We will drive half way today and the other half tomorrow. I have a hard time driving 12 hours straight through now that I am getting old and have aches and pains.
I hope you have a good week. I will check in again after we are back home.
Hugs, Grammy
WOW! Your updates have not been showing up on my reader, which is why I have not been on here. OMG! NAT HAS RED HAIR LIKE IZZY!! It’s PRECIOUS!!!
Love, Mere
pretty baby girls, just like their mom 😉
just entered my entry for this week, hahai here