Open Letter- The one with the balls


Dear Educational Video Makers-

You just made my day today. I realize I will sound like I am twenty something going on thirteen, but seriously. You.Made.My.Day!

At first, I tried to calm the students down and tell them this is serious. But hello? This is freaking hilarious.

So, thanks.

And, just in case you need a reminder, this was the video on the parts of the atom. You know protons, neutrons and electrons. And the scientist in the video was demonstrating how important the charges are in the atom. So, he took a glass rod and applied a charge to it. Now, this rod was, oh, I don’t know, about 3 inches in diameter and about 10 inches long. And, he applied the charge by rubbing it down with a wool piece of fabric. Yes, rubbed it down.

Meanwhile, he has two ping pong balls that he’s covered in foil suspended from fishing line side by side.

So he takes his charged rod and pushes it between the balls. Yeah. He really did.

And, the students lost it. And then he continued to say the word “balls” and demonstrate that there was a charge and the rod was repelling the balls.

But, wait, it gets better.

He then takes a dark brown metal rod (at this point, none of us are paying attention, so no idea what it was made out of) and proceeds to rub it down. And, if I may also point out, I’m pretty sure this rod was larger…both in diameter and length. After giving it a good rub down charging, he does the same thing with the balls.

And, finally, he takes the charged balls (two positive and two negative) and pushes them together to see that opposite balls attract.

Seriously? How did you come up with this?

The teacher who laughed out loud in class today along with her immature students.

PS I just had to share it with you. Pardon me and my coworkers laughing in the background.

Okay, there were supposed to be more letters, but really, I don’t think I can beat this, so this is all you get!


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  1. SERIOUSLY?!!!!! I had everyone at work reading your post just dying laughing! Call me immature but seriously? That was just too easy! LMAO!!!!

  2. LOL! I can't believe those video producers didn't even think about the slightly inappropriate innuendos they were alluding to! It had to have been a joke for them too!


    If only the balls had been wrapped in blue foil! my mind is so dirty!

  4. HAHAHAHHAHA You just made my day!! Thank you for posting the video! that is priceless!!!

  5. That is awesome!!!! I can only imagine your kids watching this! Perhaps it would have been even more funny if the balls had been blue!!! lol!

  6. I think I am more shocked that you are actually using a projector to show the film. Is it like the old reeling kind? lol

  7. Hilarious! Glad you had a day where you could laugh…and at something other than your students. 🙂

  8. Oh my gosh, I just choked on my diet coke I was laughing so hard. Oh this is horribly hilarious!!!

  9. That's hilarious!!!! I loved the laughter in the background too!!! Just glad this wasnt Mr. Wizard… I loved him & it would've changed the way I looked at him 🙂

  10. Um…can I borrow that video for class tomorrow?
    I don't think I've ever seen anything so ridiculously funny.

  11. Thanks for sending it to me! It made my day! I laughed so hard…I opened it during class thinking it would be ok. The kiddos could hear but not see it, so they thought I was cRaZy!
    Love the new pic of you!

  12. LOL. I would have totally lost it in front of the students as well. How did they miss that? Especially the visual at the end?!

  13. Oh my gawsh! How is anyone supposed to keep a straight face by waiting that?!

    I always think, 'Did they really sit down, watch the video and think…PERFECT! It's totally PERFECT!'

  14. Oh My Goodness that is HYSTERICAL!!!!

    Yup, not a chance anyone who spends any sort of time in a high school could watch that without cracking up!! Gotta love those old science videos!! 🙂

    Thank goodness you don't teach bio! 😉

  15. Wow, that's bad when even the teacher can't help but think of that. Great video

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