What is that on my wall?


Since I had forgotten to take any pictures all day on New Year’s day, I ran upstairs and snapped some of the girls.

Recently, I was going through the pictures and I noticed something.


I circled it and tried to draw attention to it, but you might have to click to enlarge it.  What the heck is my {unnamed} daughter doing to my walls.

I’m a little scared.

Might be time to leave a box of kleenex in the room for her.


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  1. is that what I think it is? ew. 😉 Her cuteness makes up for it…

  2. Get out of the city! I don't even want to know… : ) I love that picture of her little sleeping head. Totally sweet!

  3. That is so funny! Is that better than crayon?

  4. yeeeeeeeeah. we started leaving boxes of tissues in the kids room after I spent a long morning cleaning up such surprises.

  5. Here I am thinking it looks like a heart. Thank gosh you are not married to Freud!

  6. Yup, definitely time to talk about Kleenexes!! 🙂 Too funny friend!

    Elaine's right, her cuteness makes up for it!

  7. Yeah, my eldest does the same thing. Only it's WAY more visible than that. So we moved her bed away from the wall!

  8. Every time I leave a kleenex box in my son's room I regret it, but then again, not leaving it can lead to regret as well!

  9. Oh ew. I concur…it is a good think she's so darn cute!

  10. My daughter does that too. LMAO. It's hilarious and disgusting at the same time. 😀

  11. ha ha ha nasty 😉 oh the joys of being a parent! A box of tissues might be a great idea!!

  12. HAHAHAHA!! Have I mentioned that I LOVE kids?!?

  13. At first I thought she drew on the wall, but yes, she might need some kleenex 😉

  14. Oh my. I hope it's not to tough to clean up!

  15. uhm i vote crayon. not even thinking of anything else. nope. not even a little bit.

  16. I hate to admit it…but that looks familiar! Gross as it is….moms have seriously dirty jobs 🙂

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