Pre-Thanksgiving work out


Mr. Serious told me yesterday to make sure that he worked out. So, I did. And being a good, supportive wife (and having a little inspiration from Steph), I worked out with him. Mind you, it was after teaching a class Wednesday night and a class last night, I did a cardio Taebo! It was really quite an easy workout, and I’m not a fan of Billy Blanks, but we were inside and we did it.

Mr. Serious made me laugh on a couple of occasions. He was wanting to punch Billy at some points. Then, he was saying that the “maker didn’t mean for us to move that way.” Of course, I agreed with that. Billy does some stuff that I don’t quite agree with. Then you either do a few of one thing and just when your heart rate gets up, you stop, or you do a million sets. Or you do 4 on one side and 40 on the other side. I always feel very off balance after a work out like that. Again, it was 30 degrees outside, so I can’t complain too much.

We had a good time and it was good to work out together. Now, I just have to get Mr. Serious to stay on the program. He did really good earlier this year and lost about 25 pounds, but he has almost gained it all back.

Hopefully, I can help him stay on track and get myself a little more fit in the process.

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  1. Looks like we are all trying to get rid of that weight we will all be gaining over the holidays… we will all have to keep each other motivated!! 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    someone motivate me!!!

  3. I agree with “the maker didn’t mean for us to move that way” on some of Billy Blanks’ stuff too. Rach and I used to do some of his stuff – we laughed quite a bit too! Tonight I’m on Day #4 to run 🙂 Wish me luck!!

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