What a difference

The difference two years makes is amazing.
#1: March 4, 2007
interests then: cereal, breast milk, rattles, taggie blankie

#1: February 27, 2009
interests now: horses, babies, Wii DDR, drawing, Aquadoodle, talking, eating, CareBears, puzzles, kissing her sister, Disney Princesses, Olivia, etc.

I swear I blinked and she was two.

And, now we’re repeating…

#2: February 9, 2009

Seriously…twins separated by 2 years (well, one day shy)!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway and win a pair of See Kai Run shoes.

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  1. what adorable baby pictures and I agree two years can make such a difference. great photo friday

  2. Super cute pictures and get ready for even more changes in taste. 🙂

  3. I swear I don’t remember going from one to almost 3 now! When did she stop being a baby.

  4. You really should stop blinking — they’ll be all grown up before you (or we) know it!

  5. I know…it happens so fast! Just wait until you blink and she’s almost 5!

  6. It’s amazing how much they change in just two short years!

  7. WOW! She’s really grown! Love the curly hair! Poor thing with the black eye. One of the kids I used to babysit got one just by hitting his head on the side of the coffee table…I was shocked! Your girls look a lot alike, too…HAPPY FRIDAY!!

    Love, Mere

  8. Isn’t that the truth. I think it’s true. A blink = one year!

  9. Oh how bittersweet! Mine is about to be two next month.

  10. Aww, they are cute! Don’t blink too often, they will soon be teenagers.

  11. Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander says:

    Oh, they are so sweet! Amazing how time flies isn’t it? I feel the same way and wish I could stop time every now and then.

  12. I know! It just goes WAY TOO FAST!

  13. It all just goes too fast! I try to enjoy every little moment, but it gets harder as they get older.

  14. What great photos. I’d like to slow life down, wouldn’t you?

  15. It seems that way with Karys too!!! Its hard for me to imagine someone so sweet and innocent will someday turn into a sarcastic teenager… I will charish her to pieces still… 🙂

  16. I blinked and mine were 3, 2, and almost 8 months! Where does the time go? Seriously!?!?!

  17. What adorable children! It’s amazing how fast they grow up. My niece is about the same age as Isabelle, and seeing the difference just 6 months makes is amazing.

  18. sooo stinkin cute friend.

    and really all in a blink….

  19. What cute little ones they are! Great post, and I too have to remind myself not to BLINK before it’s over. I just simply don’t want this to end.

  20. you know… Kenny Chesney does have a good point in the Don’t blink.

    The little ones grow big way way too fast…

  21. MamaGeek @ Works For Us says:

    Oh that hat is SO styling! What a cutie!

  22. How sweet!! And my the girls look so much alike!

    I don’t know how they get so big so fast either!

    Have a great weekend Krystyn!

  23. They grow SO fast and sometimes when they are close together in age it is hard to cherish and enjoy each new moment with them. It’s when they get bigger that we long for days gone by.

  24. How I love your sweet girls. They are so darling…. and twins for sure.

    Why do they grow up so fast??? I just blinked once or twice and my baby is 32 and my first born is 41. How did that happen???

    Have a good day. Give those girls a kiss from their cyber-grammy

  25. blueviolet says:

    They’re both so darling!!! And wow, they do look totally alike as babies. That’s unreal.

  26. You’ve got that right – blink and it’s gone. With every turn of the calendar page though comes something new and equally exciting. Until they hit the teen years that is. Then it’s just new methods for them to torture you with. 🙂

  27. Loved the pics… What an exciting thing as a mother to see them grow and change and develop into their own unique personalities. It really is so amazing how time flies.

    PS – Whoa! All the entries for the giveaway! Awesome!

  28. They look JUST alike!

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