Don’t we all need a little love?



"What you think I will actually pose for you and smile nice and take a good picture?"

you just

"That&squot;s hilarious!  You didn&squot;t want this picture, either?"

need a HUG

"I&squot;m thinking of my next silly pose now..."

from a silly girl!

"Yep...this is it.  This is the best one!" 

(We were talking about HUGS and she wanted to write it on her board.  We worked on sounding it out, confirming her letter choices, and she wrote it!  And, her note from school today said “She is a smart girl.  She loves to learn.”  We couldn’t be prouder!)

PS Hover over the pictures and read…because I was feeling silly, too!


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  1. Yep… that was hte best one! Cute post.. your daughter is smart and so cute!

  2. Smart AND cute. A very good combination! 😉

  3. She is very smart and I love the comments on the pictures…so true!

  4. That is an adorable post. 🙂 She seems very smart!

  5. That's great! Sounding words out to spell is huge! 🙂

  6. That is AWESOME! You definitely have a smarty on your hands…

  7. {{Hugs}} back to you sweet Izzy! I can see why your Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, gorgeous!

  8. Wow, she is a smart one! That is great! Yes, I am on day two today…I am going to stick to it!! Good luck on level two!!

  9. yay for the extra mommy effort in the hover over 🙂 too funny friend!

  10. I love that the first words that children learn to write — aside from their names — are words like hug, and I love you.

  11. Wow! She's like totally ahead for her age I think…that's incredible!! You must be glowing with pride because a note came home like that! Go IZZY!!

    Love, Mere

  12. Smart and cute. Oh Man! You know you're in trouble when the boys start coming around some day, right? 😉

  13. I am so impressed!! She is one smart cookie, that's for sure!

  14. Izzy is SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!
    p.s. Did you do the hover thing in Windows Live Writer?? So cool! Just another reason I love that program!!

  15. Those pictures are so adorable!! In answer to your question, the yellow cast is caused by the white balance being off. Check to see if you can adjust the white balance on your camera. usually it is set to auto, but I often have to set mine to flash or tungsten lighting because of the cast of the light in the room.

  16. She's a doll. Go give her a HUG now, please 🙂

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