Happy First Birthday, N
Dear #2,
Just one very short year ago (at 8:16am), you joined our family of three and made us a family of four.
The past year has been a blast getting to know you. We love seeing you interact with your sister and the way you both love each other so much.
At 12 months old you:
-get into everything.
-want to walk so badly. You crawl up to us, grab our fingers, and start walking with us in tow.
-push a popcorn car and mail cart really well.
-turn pages in a book when read to.
-love to put toys into cups and other objects.
-love to practice sharing.
-have the most hilarious fake cry, ever.
-love table food.
-still love your bottles (and really like them warm, too).
-have the sweetest disposition.
-give the best hugs and open mouth kisses.
-love to blow kisses.
-love ice cream.
-shake your head “no.”
-wave “bye bye.”
-sign for “more,” “eat,” “milk” and “all done.”
-will say “dada” and even “daddy.”
-have 4 teeth.
-have the best smile I’ve ever seen.
Showing off that fabulous smile.
“Bring on the cake, mommy!”
Yep, you went right for the flowers and never looked back. You totally dug in and loved every minute. You pretty much ate all of the icing off of the top of the cake.
#2, thank you so much for being the precious little girl that you are. We love you so much and can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday N. Gosh its amazing how time flies.
Happy Birthday, Miss N! I seriously cannot believe she is already a year old. Goodness!
Awww! Happy birthday to N!
Happy Birthday N! She DOES have a great smile and is just adorable (cake smears and all!)
Happy Birthday N! What a wonderful day!
I know…I still cannot believe how fast this year went by! N does have one of the best smiles I have ever seen and I LOVE teh cake picture. That's priceless!
So cute! Happy Birthday!
Wow. Is she really only one year old!?! Happy Birthday N!! Her cake picture is perfect.
Happy 1st Birthday N!!
Precious!! Happy Birthday 🙂
I can not believe it has been a year already! WOW! Happy 1st Birthday N! What a beautiful CHILD!
Hope she has a great birthday! Love the cake picture 🙂
Awww, this made me want to cry! How fast they grow in only that first year! She's beautiful, her sister and mommy are beautiful. You are so blessed and I know you know it. I hope N's day is filled with hugs and kisses and while you're at it, give her one from me.
Happy Birthday N! Man time flies fast – love the pictures, mommy!
WOW – I remember when you were still pregnant! Happy Birthday to your baby!
Happy 1st Birthday sweet N!!
What a sweet post!!
Krystyn, hope you are doing ok today! I know its so hard to see them grow, but every year gets better and better!!!
Happy birthday, N! You're such a sweetheart.
ahhhh happy birthday sweet natalie!
Happy birthday sweet girl!
oh look at her go to town on that cake!! so sweet friend!
happy bday baby girl 🙂
I cannot believe it's been a year!
Love looking at the picture progression.
Happy Birthday Miss N!!! Happy Birth Day to you, Krystyn!
There is no way it has been a year.
No. way.
Happy birthday N!!!
*Love the cake shot!
I can't believe that it has been a year already. I remember how we were all praying that your blood level would be o.k. and all would go well. What a blessing when she arrived and all went well.
She is a darling. It looks like she enjoyed her cake. Congrats to all. Love, Cyber Grammy
I hope she has a fantastic birthday!
Happy Birthday, N! You have the biggest, sweetest smile ever! It makes me smile everytime there's a pic with her gorgeous smile.
I love seeing little ones on their first birthdays that LOVE cake and go to town! Sooo adorable!
Happy 1st Birthday N! You do have a beautiful smile! Love the cake pic!
Happy birthday N!
Happy Birthday, N!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet N……….
That cake looks yummy!
Happy Birthday N! She does have the best smile!
Happy happy bday to your gorgeous gal!
A very happy first birthday N!!!
Aww, what a beautiful little girl 🙂
Awwww, what a sweetie!!! Happy Birthday sweet little one!
I just completely love that you wrote all of her facts down. What a great idea! 🙂
She does have the greatest smile, I have to agree! Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl.
Another sweet post:) Happy first birthday N!!!