It tastes even sweeter when you pay for it yourself | WW


Since we’ve been doing the cash budget thing (with the Dave Ramsey philosophy) for almost a year and a half, we thought it would be good to start teaching the girls, too.

Our oldest has started with her “commission” and has her Save-Spend-Give envelopes all set up. We bought the Financial Peace Jr.: Teaching Kids About Money! kit to help guide us.

She definitely gets the idea of spending, but it’s the value of the dollar we are working on now.

When we went out this weekend, we reminded her to bring her spend money just in case she wanted to buy something.

She remembered that money.  And, when she saw that cotton candy come by, I think she would have spent all of her money on it.

But, when we got home, and she only had $2 left of her $6, she realized that cotton candy was a lot of money.

In the moment, it was worth it all!

Blue Cotton Candy, Blue Mouth

Blue Cotton Candy, Blue Mouth

Even though she spent her money on it, she was the best and sweetest big sister and shared

I’m linking up here.  Go and visit their Wordful and Wordless Wednesdays.

Wordish Wednesday image

*Once again, Dave Ramsey has no idea I’m writing about this, but Dave if you want to send something our way, we won’t turn it down.

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    1. Oh, it was.

      PS The new jumpers are super cute..I can’t see the spot to comment…you must use Disqus?

  1. How cute! And so sweet that she shared. I told my hubby recently that I want to do something similar with the kids because I want them to understand the value of money before they are in their 20s! 🙂

    1. And, it’s so important…so many kids and adults have no idea and get into serious debt issues so early on. I don’t think it’s too early to start.

    1. Actually, compared to the $10 one at the Mickey Magic Show and the Circus, I thought it was super cheap.

  2. This is kinda how I feel about wine sometimes. ;-P She’s precious with her blue tongue!

    1. Hey….there are a lot of them you can get for $4 a bottle, too:)

    1. Oh, I bet. I don’t think I would spend $10 of my own money on that.

  3. Mr Serious says:

    Love those pictures! Cash is king, but cotton candy rules!

  4. What a great lesson! When did you start giving her money? I need to start with this soon with Sammy! She is a sweet big sister to share! Love the blue tongue!

    1. We started at the end of last year, I think. So she was just 4. For the most part she gets it.

      And, most of the time, they are the best of sharers.

  5. grandma Pat says:

    Is she picking weeds for college money yet? I think it’s great to teach yous kids about working hard for their money. It teaches them respect and self control. Good job to both you and Mr. Serious.

  6. I love every last bit of this- from the lesson down to the blue lips! Perfection.

    1. Ahh…thanks. We are trying:)

      And, the blue lips and mouth make it even more fun.

  7. That’s an important lesson to learn. When I was a child, we were neither given an allowance, nor did my parents ever buy us treats or toys when we went on an outing. We received toys and treats on exactly 3 occasions: birthdays, Christmas, and Easter (though grandparents would sneak in a toy or two along the way). If we went to a fair or a carnival, we always ate before we left at home, or my mom packed us pre made snacks beforehand.
    I believe they were trying to instil their frugal habits, which was commendable. Yet because we were not allowed to handle money or receive treats, we grew up without really understanding cost of items. It also created a “forbidden fruit” dymanic. When my siblings and I left home, we all bought things we couldn’t have a kids, the “bad stuff”. And we had no clue how to manage money.
    It took us several years of trial and error to finally figure out how to properly manage our finances.
    So, I think it is great that you are teaching your kids the value of a dollar, and working towards their goals and saving their chore money.

    1. I could totally see how that would derail any good lessons. You have to find the middle ground.

      I think it’s the same with parents that don’t allow treats and then when kids go off to college, they are so tempted, they eat everything in sight without any self control.

      Or, they sign up for a million credit cards and have so much debt by 20.

      Glad you figured it out.

      1. Lol, that is EXACTLY what happened! My freshman year I lived on potato chips and soda. And I signed up for credit cards, they very easy to signup for back in those days.
        It took me years to pay that off, and get back to a weight I was happy with.
        Kids need to be allowed to handle money, make mistakes, and learn.
        It took me a while, but I learned!

  8. I agree with what Mari said , that there has to be a balance between just giving kids everything they want, and depriving them of the chance to make money mistakes and learn from them.
    Your daughter is learning to make choices with her money, and she is learning what the result of that choice is i.e. it tasted good, but it was gone really quick and so was her money.
    That can be brought into adulthood often. For instance, there are many times I am willing to pay $5 for takeout pizza, but won’t spend $5 on a ‘high tech’ toy for my cat. Yet the toy would last a whole lot longer than the pizza!
    So we have to learn not only cost, but value for our money – are we buying things with it that last.

    1. Yes, it’s all about the balance and helping them make the right decisions.

      And, enjoying your hard work, too.

      So, if you chose to get that pizza, even though it doesn’t last, you can think of the stress you didn’t have from cooking a meal and the relaxing time you gained…and maybe that will allow you a little enjoyment, too.

      It’s all about the balance!

    1. She’s usually a pretty nice big sister.

      I can’t believe it’s that long. She might actually need her *first* haircut.

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