Our Christmas | Mommy and Me Monday | 358th ed


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us!

This year, we did something out of the ordinary for us. But truth be told, when asked what our Christmas day traditions are, we’ve kind of decided it’s that we don’t have any traditions. I mean, we do stockings on Christmas morning and Santa visits, but the actual day varies from year to year.

This year was a very adventurous year for us, with trips to Jamaica, Houston, Tennessee, Michigan (and all the states in between), Florida and the Caribbean. Around October, we were getting the itch to go somewhere, but we were limited because Mr. Serious had Friday and Monday off and that was it for his vacation. We decided to head to Great Wolf Lodge. We have been hosted there before, but this was on us. We needed a place that was actually open on Christmas, which we found out was pretty limited by a car trip and long weekend.

We also didn’t want to add to the “stuff” so a vacation and trip was a great Christmas present for the girls that didn’t add more to our house!

Wolf ears on and ready for adventure.

Mommy and Me Monday Wolf Ears

Not unlike other times, we were pretty booked up right until we left the house. We did Christmas morning with our gifts and family gifts on Friday morning, Christmas with friends Friday evening and headed out Saturday morning (Christmas Eve).

We arrived, played in the water park and then ran back to our room to clean up and head to a Christmas Eve church service. After church, we had a hibachi dinner. Three girls were willing to oblige me in an us-ie.

mommy and me monday great wolf lodge

One little girl decided to dance and sing her way through dinner (watch with sound if you can!). Thankfully, we were in a pretty uncrowded area and well, this is better than her screaming (mom-shamers, step away here. We don’t need any of that!)

Book your trip to Great Wolf Lodge now!

Sometimes, you just have to let them dance. And thank God for the cute moments. Merry Christmas!

A video posted by Krystyn • Influencer • Blogger (@seriouskrystyn) on

Leftovers in hand (seriously, they need to offer like half portions, we headed back to get all ready for Santa to fill stockings. As I was walking behind with B, I looked up to see my other people, and had to stop and take a picture. They caught my breath and I wanted to remember it.

mommy and me monday great wolf lodge

Santa came, we had a yummy breakfast and headed back to the water park where I remembered to get a picture. I wish it weren’t blurry, but this will have to be my Christmas memory.

mommy and me monday great wolf lodge

I love that we don’t have Christmas day traditions. I like that we can decide on an adventure and do something new and our kids are excited and ready to see what we are doing. I hope they look back on all of this and they are thankful for the memories we are making.

I hope and pray your weekend and holidays were extra special, either full of ages old traditions, new family traditions, or no traditions at all!

What did you do this week?

All this to say, JUST GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Since the button code stopped working many moons ago, I took it out. But, if you are adding your link to my link list, please, as a courtesy, add a link back to my site so people can explain and link up themselves if they’d like. After all, that’s the point of the link up!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.  Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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