Planes, trains and automobiles | Mommy and Me Monday | 397th ed


Adventure awaits this week! I honestly wasn’t 100% sure if our trip was going to happen with the hurricane damage and wondering if we’d be able to get a rental car. But, it worked out and we were on our way.

But first, the automobile as we waited in a parked, off car for carpool to start. B wanted to share her drawing with everybody. She loves to make rows of colored lines and dots. (This picture makes me realize how much I love plumeria LipSense. I really have only met one color I didn’t care for.)

mommy and me monday | automobiles

The rest of the week was super busy with appointments, meetings and friends, and before I knew it, we were getting suitcases out of the attic and packing our bags for our Saturday morning departure. Last minute, we decided to take MARTA to the airport from Mr. Serious’ work parking garage to save us a little money.

The bonus was the girls all had a new experience to add to their travel resume. (B said she didn’t want to be in the picture, but I realized she snuck in!)

Mommy and Me Monday on MARTA.JPG

Then it was time for the security line. Which is “the most boring…the longest line ever…are we there yet?” experience ever. So, to pass the time, B and I did silly face selfies. And, also a lot of curly crazy hair madness.

airport security line mommy and me monday

One more (plane) train ride and we were ready for our plane. We ended up timing it pretty well where we had time to eat our packed lunches and it was time to get on our plane. Since I’m flying solo home with the kiddos, I persuaded the little two to sit with Mr. Serious and I got the big two.

mommy and me monday ready to fly

We are doing the “tour of Houston” to visit all of the family and have almost finished our first visit…so two more stops, lots of grandparents, cousins and hanging out and a little party to go!

What did you do this week?

GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT! Since the button code stopped working many moons ago, I took it out. But, if you are adding your link to my link list, please, as a courtesy, add a link back to my site so people can explain and link up themselves if they’d like. After all, that’s the point of the link up!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.  Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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