The sickness | Mommy and Me Monday | 417th ed
When everybody has been well for a while, I think you have to know that something will be coming. But, I didn’t suspect this.
Friday afternoon, the oldest came home with a note from the nurse telling me she went and had a sore throat. She didn’t have a fever, but I could tell she was off. I knew strep had been going around the school. Friday night, the temperature turned to a fever, so, I was up during the early morning hours trying to figure out the plan of attack.
Thinking it was strep, I knew that we would need antibiotics and she would get to feeling better on the quick. I remembered our pediatrician’s office has some Saturday morning hours, so I called first thing and they got us right in.
I told her we needed to wear masks. Me to keep the germs away and her to keep her germs to herself. She was in really good spirits and just said her throat hurt. She even smiled under the mask for the picture.
And when the nurse mentioned the throat swab, she was giving me all of the eyes behind the mask.
They came back and said the strep test was negative. Then, gave her a good looking over and said it looked more like the flu. Huh? I really didn’t see that coming. About 10 minutes later we had our diagnosis.
Flu B.
Not even the one that had been making the rounds.
Of course, as we were leaving the office, I heard the first cough. It’s a cough like no other. We came home and she’s basically been in bed and quarantined ever since. She’s got the aches, the cough and a super high fever…even with fever meds, which I’m not a big fan of using.
The doctor told us it’s taking 5-7 days to run it’s course.
She has no voice, a cough and quite sad that she missed a retreat and will likely miss a school competition she’s been looking forward to for weeks.
Please pray and send positive thoughts that she gets through this quickly and that the rest of the house stays clear of the ick.
What did you do this week?
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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.
Been praying for healing and comfort.
I really enjoyed singing and reading to her today. In her weakened state she could not escape me!
Sending healing prayers and hopes she doesn’t share the fun. The flu is really nasty this year. 🙁
I can see her “smizing!” And while I hate that she has the flu, I’m very happy it’s not A. Stay well all you people, you have adventures ahead of you!
Hope she gets to feeling better soon.