Mommy and Me Monday | The 111th edition | Out in Nature


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

Sunday was a gorgeous day. A day for some natural vitamin D. We contemplated a trip to the soccer park, the square, or what I suggested, a hike at Kennesaw Mountain.

It started out really well. We even found an inch worm to stop and play with.

#2ure at it's finest.

We had a chance to get a picture of mommy with the girls.

And, then we had to stop every 10 steps (or there was a request for one) for water. #2 kept saying “I really don’t want to walk right now.” So we had to take a break again.

Kennesaw mountain self portrait

We made it pretty far up the mountain despite the pleas and cries to stop. (Yeah, we might have overestimated just how long she’d walk without getting upset.) I was able to distract her a couple times.

But we didn’t quite make it to the top. We walked past this little bench only a couple feet and then decided that was enough, we still have to walk down. So we stopped for a rest and went to take a self portrait when a nice lady offered to snap one for us. Definitely a keeper.

Family photo.

Most of the trip down was daddy carrying #1 or #2. #2 being the louder one got a little extra time up top.

It’s a darn good thing she’s super duper cute.

She's really working hard.

We counted off on the way down, up to 100 and back down…it was a good distraction and we made it to the car.

Next time, we’ll bring more water, maybe a Camel Back, and maybe a stroller!

Mommy and Me Monday at  Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies.  If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link.  It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

I try to make sure and visit all of you and leave some comment love.  Please spread the love!  And, I never mind the comments, either:)

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  1. That is a good hike for their little legs! Looks like everyone had a good time! Glad you were able to enjoy the nice weather!!!

  2. Fun! Well, maybe not for everyone – but, you are getting out there and that’s GREAT! I know how hard that can be with young kiddos…The more you do it, the easier it becomes!

    1. Of course, as soon as we got home, she was talking about wanting to do it again!

  3. Hey Pretty Lady! Your blog is so cute, and the hot pink makes me happy! Your family is lovely too. Thanks for the hop…glad to link up. Wanted you to know I liked you on FB! Have a good week!

  4. What a great day! Somehow I always make the wrong choices when it comes to traveling devices and Will ends up on Lew’s shoulders too. I love the ergo carrier though..that is the one we have and it is so much better some of the others out there. Love the family photo!

    1. Oh, the Ergo was great for E…it was N that needed the stroller. I never thought my 3.5 year old would need one!

      I can’t believe how good the family picture came out!

  5. mrs. hils says:

    I recommend taking the little shuttle up and then walking down. All of the fun, and half the walking! The pictures are really good! I love the “Family of 5” one. 🙂

    1. We sure did get passed by that shuttle several times!

      Thanks! My phone takes way better pictures now that I got a new one.

  6. grandma Pat says:

    Looks like a nice place and fun time despite the occasional complanit. I love the expression on N’s face on Matt’s shoulder.

  7. That looks like fun, but yes, pretty tiring! Great shot of all five of you. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Elaine! I was glad the lady offered to help out.

  8. You got some great pictures.. if you didn’t know the background it would look like you guys had a great time hiking and everyone loved every second of it! I love the picture of your whole family!

    1. Oh, we did have a great time:) Nothing I wouldn’t have expected from a three year old!

  9. I cannot imagine a hike with both littles. The best we get is a walk on the paved Greenway, and even then it’s a struggle. Great pics!

    1. We did use the path the van takes…not as steep as the actual mountain time…they were pretty good sports.

    1. Yeah, they might still be a little young! And, I know, it’s crazy how big they are!

  10. these photos are precious! I love them! Your sweet baby girl looks so comfy cozy sleeping in your Ergo 🙂

    1. She’s is definitely a carrier baby…as long as I get it on right. I tied the Moby too tight today and she ended up too high up..not so good.

    1. Awww…thanks. I need to make an updated collage…maybe I’ll use these.

  11. i wonder how long it will take me to stop being like – dude you have three girls – every time i see a picture of all of you? so fun!!

    1. Yeah, probably never…I get in the van and I still have to do a mental count…do I have all of my kids?

  12. Lindsay C. says:

    The 2 older ones were real troopers to hike with you! It looks like they had their fair share of rides too. I also have an Ergo & if we go out I usually wear my son. He can get kinda heavy though, he’s 16 months & 23 pounds. I would’ve got quite the workout hiking up this mountain while carrying him in the Ergo! You look cute in your aviators, too! 🙂

    1. Yeah, I carried our middle daughter in it when she was two. That was a workout! I used the back carry then.

      Thanks! My husband thinks I look like a cop! A good cop:)

  13. I just read an article yesterday about how kids need to be out exploring things – way to go!

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