Our BIG news


We're BIG sisters

So..to answer all of your questions:

Due Date: 4/16/2011

Will we find out the sex?   For the first time, yes we will on November 23rd.

Is it because you are hoping for a boy?  Honestly, truthfully, we want a healthy baby.  Boy or girl:)

How am I feeling?  Starting to get better.  Less exhaustion and nausea; notice I said less.  Totally not gone, though.  Oh, and a little on the crazy side, too.  And, happy, too.

Was this a surprise?  Nope.  Sure wasn’t.  We always said we wanted three.  (Again, we’re now feeling a little crazy).

So, that’s our BIG news.

PS My friend, the fabulously wonderful Sherry of Easy Edges Studio made the girls their shirts.  I puffy heart her work!

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  1. That is FABULOUS news! There’s something special about that third child. 🙂 Congrats and best wishes! Can’t wait to hear more!

  2. So excited for your growing family! I knew it was another baby, how could that not be the good news?! Three kids is a lot of fun (a lot of work too, but way more fun than not!) Can’t wait to see what it is, but like you said, healthy is the most important thing of all! Congrats again!

  3. YAY!!!!!! I was hoping that was your big news! I’m so excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for all the info too. I love gettin’ the goods right away.
    Do the girls know yet? I know they had the shirts on but I always told my boys they were just trying them on until I was ready to tell them. 😉

    Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy, happy baby! 🙂
    Congrats again! 🙂

  4. I’m with Mandy… there is something very special about being outnumbered by your children 😉

    SO excited for you!

    And if you find out you are having a boy, people everywhere will say ‘so you got your boy’, because that’s what happens to me (obviously ‘…your girl’ though – ha!) and of course, all we both want is healthy babies.

  5. *woot woot* Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Congratulations! *balloons confetti applause*

    The girls are ADORABLE in their cute shirts! Such pretty big sisters. ♥

    Happy Happy Joy Joy for you and your family, Krystyn! 😀

  6. Congrats! Where will you deliver in Atlanta? 3 is a good number! 🙂

  7. Three is so fabulous, you’re gonna love it!!! Congratulations my friend! So happy for you all. SQUEEE!!!

    And the girls look excited too! 😀

  8. How exciting – congratulations! I hope the sickness fades away real soon. I am sure the girls are just thrilled!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!! 🙂

  10. Oh, wow! Congratulations! Wonder if it’ll be three girls for y’all?!

  11. Managed Chaos says:

    Oh my goodness! THAT is AWESOME! Congrats to the entire family!

  12. What wonderful news! Congratulations! What a wonderful summer you will have!

  13. Congrats, sweetie!!! That is so awesome for you. 🙂

  14. Congratulations friend!! How exciting and I think you will love knowing the sex of the baby! It is exciting just in a totally different way! Here’s to a beautiful third red head! You two do make adorable children! 🙂

    Hope you feel 100% here soon!

  15. Wow, Congratulations!! You ARE crazy, but only in the best way possible 🙂 I grew up in a family of three kids and it’s great!!

  16. Congratulations! You are not crazy for three… I wanted four until Connor arrived and reality set in 🙂 Now I have to convice Adam of going for three! He thinks Connor is plenty now 🙂 I hope that you get to feeling 100% soon… but after being pregnant, is there ever a 100%?!? Just curious, it sounds like you didn’t find out the sex of your two girls. Why for the third? Will you share names? We found out the sex for Connor but kept his name a secret between the two of us. I am glad I did that since it was something between the two of us we could share.

  17. Ahhh!! I just sent you a completely unrelated email and now I wish I hadn’t hit ‘Send’ cause I want to add “CONGRATULATIONS!” to that email! How exciting!!

  18. I am SO EXCITED for you!!! Like seriously. I’ve been reading this blog since Nat was teeny tiny and I’m so glad y’all are having another 🙂 CONGRATS!!!!

    Love, Mere

  19. Yay!! That is fabulous news!! Congrats to the whole family!

  20. Congratulations! November 23rd is a great date! That’s the day my twins were born. I had 2 girls and then a boy (and then of course 2 more). But, when I was pregnant it used to bug me when I’d tell people I was having a boy. They’d always respond, “good. Then you are done”. As if my life wouldn’t be complete without a boy…..:)

    Love your blog. I hope you drop by my blog!

  22. Congratulations! How exciting. The shirts the girls are wearing are adorable.

  23. Well congrats! And seriously – you were able to hold out for a LOOOONG time!! iMPRESSIVE. The shirts are adorable. Glad you’re getting back to the land of the living, too. I’m kind of excited to find out gender this time around too – now I’ll have the chance to say I’ve done it both ways…..that and we really need to know for room-purposes! LOL.

  24. Hooray for the news!
    Hooray for the cute shirts!
    And yes, start hooraying for the craziness that three brings 😉

  25. Oh my gosh, CONGRATS!!!!

  26. Krystyn, congratulations!!! We are due around the same time — my due date is March 26. We’ll find out the sex on Nov. 3.
    Since this is your third, I’m sure you’re an old pro by now! This is my first time around, and I’m excited — and scared to death 😉

  27. CONGRATS!!!!! Such great news!!! We are due just days apart!! Watch out April here we come!! Hope you are doing well! The girls look adorable!! xo

  28. Congratulations Serious family! Couldn’t be more excited for you all. Can’t wait to witness this journey 🙂 xoxo

  29. YAY!!!! Congrats!!! Hope you are feeling good. Can’t wait to hear what baby bean is.

  30. Congrats! My husband and I are constantly having a debate if we should go for #3 or not….right now we are on man to man defense, but if you add the third you have to go to zone! Best of luck!!!

  31. Omg–just read your comment and had to rush over here. I’ve been SUCH a lazy slacker!

    BUT…CONGRATS honey!! You are a few weeks ahead of me–I am so happy for you all!!

    Isn’t the exhaustion thing awful?! Ugh…I know it has to do w/Leo being gone, but ohmygoodness…so, so tired.

    Again–yay for baby #3!! I am beyond thrilled AND excited to have a friend along on this crazy ride with me 🙂


  32. Yay!! I’m so glad its finally public! 😉
    SO excited for all of you!! I know the girls are going to be great little helpers!!
    Will you continue to work after #3?!?!

  33. WHAT?!?!? I’m SOOO happy for you! Congrats!!!

  34. Holy CRAP! This is the most exciting thing I’ve read all week! Congratulations to you both!!!!

  35. Congrats Krystyn! I’m so happy for you & their shirts are adorable. They are grinning form ear to ear! {{Hugs}}

  36. I am so behind, I am just now seeing this! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy and excited for you!! 😀

  37. ModernMom says:

    How on earth did I miss this announcement! Congratulations to you and your entire family:) Such fabulous news!

  38. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! OMG. Such exciting, wonderful news!!!!

  39. Oh wow I was way out of the loop. But CONGRATULATIONS!! Your family is gorgeous and I’m sure there’s plenty more happiness to come!

  40. Ok….I see I’ve got serious (no pun intended!) catching up to do……..

    And funny that it’s not another Oct birthday…….I was just recently thinking if we did end up having another baby, I think I’d want another fall birthday, close to the first 2!…..

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