How Saving for College Will Change the World, But Not How You Think



“I believe the children are the future teach them well and let them lead the way (sing it with me now), show them all the beauty they possess insiiiiiiiiide…” Whew, I’m done. Please tell me you’ve heard Whitney sing that one. Sometimes that’s what comes to mind when I think about education. I think about the children, the promise of a better future for them both economic and with their own fulfillment and happiness. I think about how the world will be a better place with smart, educated and caring adults, which is supported by a solid education, including college.

How saving for college will change the world


That’s only sometimes. Most of the time I think, oh my goodness, how are we going to pay for college for four kids!?! We discussed that previously with THE BEST TIP YOU’VE EVER HEARD ABOUT PAYING FOR COLLEGE AND IT’S EASIER THAN YOU THINK and how if you start saving early or now you’ll be best positioned to meet your savings goals and pay for college.

Starting is definitely easy with Simple Steps from COUNTRY Financial, but staying diligent and increasing savings for one or more children over the years is more difficult. That’s why I need a little more motivation, more motivation than saving for college is “good” or I’m making the future “better.” I need to mentally walk through the impacts of how saving for my kids’ will change the world. So here’s my motivation.



I’ve already told you about paying off our debts, budgeting and being DEBT FREE. Well part of that journey is changing your family tree so that not only are Mr. Serious and I debt free, but we set up our children to be debt free as well. A huge part of that is saving for their college. If our kids don’t have student loan debt, that will have so many benefits! Such as…

  • Less stress during college
  • Be able to work less and have more time for studying
  • More career options when leaving school because they don’t have to make a huge salary to pay off loans
  • They will interview better and select a better job after college because they are not concerned about debt payments coming due
  • They will have better romantic relationships because they won’t feel the need to marry for financial security
  • They can save up and pay for a house more quickly and maybe even avoid a mortgage!
  • They’ll be able to save more for retirement at an early age, taking advantage of compound interest


With no debts, especially no student loans, and a healthy amount of retirement savings, our kids will really be set up for success. How am I defining “success” here, well it’s that the kids will have so much financial margin when they are adults that they can choose to give generously, choose to follow their vocational passion (regardless of income), choose to be a stay at home mom, or maybe even choose to be wildly financially successful and buy their parents a beach house. It could happen… Most importantly, they can continue to keep the family tree changed and amplify the fiancial impact through their kids, grandkids and so on!

Are you tracking with me? Keeping our kids from student loans will change their financial trajectory throughout their lives, continue to change our family tree and hence the world!

What Keeps You Motivated to Save?

The Best Tip You ve Ever Heard About Paying for College and It s Easier Than You Think

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  1. I agree. While we haven’t reached our goal yet, mainly because we both went back the school, our retirement has been a big priority. We started really late in life. College will be interesting because while I would love to pay for their education I want them to learn to save for it as well.

    1. It’s definitely a hard that work through college are more likely to succeed and make better grades than those that have it all paid for. I don’t know what the right answer is. BUT, they will definitely be working and paying and saving for it when they are old enough.

  2. Mr. Serious says:

    It’s not just money. Everything we do has generational impacts.

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