Snuggles | Mommy and Me Monday | 259th ed


B isn’t snuggly cuddly so much anymore. She’s more go, go, go. So, when she wants to cuddle with me, I try to make it happen. Even if it’s when I’ve just gotten out of the shower.

Snuggly baby | Mommy and Me Monday

And, I’ll ignore the fact that I’m pretty sure she only sat there as long as she did because her sisters were watching Daniel Tiger in his pant-less glory and she was taking a peek. (Woah run-on sentence!)

But they are snuggles, so I will take them!

All of the girls have been getting up super early lately. Like everybody up and ready to go before 6:30. I used to get a little break between getting the oldest two off to school and when the little two would wake up. Not so much anymore. We even had time to snap a picture before getting the girls on the bus. And, after that, we still made it to Target and the bank before getting E to preschool.

So, with all of the running and going and doing, I will happily sit and get my snuggles when I can!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.*

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  1. Wow! I have no idea how you do it. You inspire me. I love both of these pictures. Everyone seems to be glowing with happiness.

  2. Oh such sweet snuggles from B! We had a 3:15am wake up call today…not sure what woke her up but she was NOT going back to sleep. When I left for work she was screaming and crying ‘mama’ and did not want me to go. I would much rather be watching a pant-less tiger and snuggling. Glad B gave you some of that!

  3. I miss the snuggly version of my boy. It rarely happens these days.

  4. I know it’s sad when they stop cuddling for a bit, but mine all came back to it around 2 1/2. Hopefully your littlest will too!

  5. My favorite part of the day is when my kids climb into my bed for snuggles…makes getting up harder but it is a very special way to start the day!

  6. I rarely miss the baby stage but seeing that photo of her soft head snuggled up next to yours brings back lots of nostalgia. I do miss those days but luckily my 10 year old still loves to snuggle.

  7. Aww! So sweet! My little girl isn’t much for cuddling either, so like you, I take them any chance I get!! You have such beautiful children!!

  8. There’s nothing better than snuggles with the littles. My boys are far better smugglers than my nine year old daughter.

  9. So adorable. The snuggles make everything worth it! And on a side note, you’ve inspired me to get out from behind the camera. I don’t want my girls looking back on their childhood photos and thinking I was some sort of phantom!

  10. As my kids have gotten older (8 and 11!), I miss the snuggles that came with afternoon naps and reading on the couch after a half day of preschool but find that the desire to snuggle still pops up when I least expect it! Like you, I’m happy to get them whenever I can!

  11. Snuggles are everything. You just took me back to when my two were beebs and wanted cuddles all day long. Now that they’re grade schoolers, I’ll take them as long as I can get them!

  12. Sandy Klocinski says:

    My daughter loved to cuddle with me and hold my hand when she was small. You should hug, cuddle, snuggle, whatever works, as long as you can. i cuddled my daughter as long as she would let me

  13. Snuggles are the BEST! I love both of those pictures. Adorable.
    MAN! There are such beautiful ladies in your family. Lucky hubby. 🙂

  14. There is absolutely nothing better than snuggles from your baby!! I cherish every snuggle I can, it goes quickly.

  15. Such cute pics!!

    Bryn has been getting up at 6 lately too and I can’t handle it. I am sooo tired!

  16. Brenda Haines says:

    I love it when my 2 year old still wants to snuggle. I hope it last a little longer

  17. Such a happy family! Hugs are important and keep us going too.

  18. Michelle S says:

    I’m going to miss when my little one will be “too grown up” to snuggle :(. I love when she climbs into my lap and says “I love you mommy, you’re the best mommy”, melts my heart.

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