Up to my shoulders | Mommy and Me Monday | 280th ed
This weekend my oldest came up to me and gave me a hug. A just because hug. Which don’t seem to happen nearly as frequently anymore.
Derailing for a second: I remember when I took her in for her 2 year check up, just days before she turned 2 and days before her sister was born (for some reason they said we had to come in before she turned 2) and the doctor said that she would likely be close to 6 feet tall when she’s done growing.
I knew that I would likely have taller kids, after all, Mr. Serious is 6’3”, but I sort of hoped I wasn’t going to have to look up to them at like 12.
Back to that hug. When she hugged me, I realized that she’s already up to my shoulders. At eight and a half. While I’m trying to figure out where my little baby went, she’s all giddy that she’s going to be taller than me faster than I care to admit.
I quickly reminded her that she might be taller than me one day, but she will never be too big for a “talking to”! Of course she just giggled and smiled.
Curse this growing up business. It happens way too fast!
What were you up to this weekend?
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It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.  Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.
**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.*
They are all growing up way too fast.
Hah, she looks quite proud of herself too.
I was probably taller than my mom by age 11. She’ll still always be my mommy! 🙂
Oh my goodness! So very proud!
It happens WAY too fast! Of course, when we were kids, all we wanted to do was grow up. Or at least I did. Now I just want a pause button to slow things down with my own kids so I can take in every moment. My husband is the same height as yours and both of my children have been in the upper percentiles for height so far – I fully expect to be looking up to both of them one day too.
Right? I remind them all the time that growing up isn’t that awesome! And that they should enjoy being young!