
The waiting and the praying paid off. I’ll write the story out later, but, I was not induced, I got the epidural, and I only had to push 6 minutes!
And……It’s a girl!

October 13, 2008, 8:16am
7 pounds, 2 ounces
20 inches long

She is beautiful and perfect! And, she looks just like #1!!

Just after her antibiotic eye treatment.

What a proud daddy.

#2 getting her first bath.
Here comes the proud big sister.

Kisses for her “baby sister.” She was right all along that it was a girl.

Already being a great big sister. #2 was fussing, and #1 immediately grabbed #2’s paci and gave it to her.

She wanted to hold her, but then, she wasn’t really sure.

More to come later! Thank you all for your comments and support!

I won’t likely be replying to comments or making many lately, but know that I hear you all muchos!!!

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  1. YEA!!!!!

    So glad to hear that all was/is well.

    And she is absolutely beautiful!!!

    Yeah for another girl for Izzy. Lucky Lucky girl! I always wanted a sister!!!

    Beautiful name too!!!

  2. Congrats!!! She looks adorable!!! She can share Kenley’s birthday, Kenley said it was ok. Happy Birthday to Izzy too!!

  3. Congratulations, she is beautiful and you look fantastic for a few hours post partum, best wishes!!

  4. Oh I am so thrilled for you. Another girl how wonderful and izzy lloks like the perfect big helper.

  5. Wait isn’t today Izzy’s birthday? Didn’t I read that somewhere? Maybe not I’m not sure but now I’m curious.

  6. CONGRATS!!!
    She is beautiful!
    Tell Izzy she is going to be a GREAT big sister.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful and you are so right, she looks just like Izzy! What a sweet little family you have.

  8. For the record, I am still going to call her Sampson. She will love it, I know!

  9. OH MY GOD! Congrats! She is beautiful!!! Enjoy every second! 🙂

  10. God is so faithful! I am so thrilled that your counts were okay, you got the epidural, no induction and a beautiful baby girl. Every good and perfect gift comes down from heaven, from the Father of Lights!

  11. Congrats, Mommy Krystyn!!!! So happy for the new family of FOUR!!

    lots of love!!

  12. Congratulations! She is beautiful. Enjoy every moment of that baby sweetness!

  13. congrats!!! That is the best news I’ve heard all day!! She is so cute…and that’s awesome that Izzy loves her already!

  14. anglophilefootballfanatic.com says:

    Congratulations! I’m so excited. I was wrong. I was thinking boy. Yay for not needing the induction and YAY for the epidural.

  15. Oh yay!! CONGRATS!! N is beautiful! And Izzy looks like a PERFECT big sis already. 😉

  16. YAY congrats! I love her name! Izzy looks like a great big sister!
    2 sweet baby girls! How fun!

  17. Oh, I am so happy for you!! I can’t believe that you already blogged it!!

    Her name is beautiful….Grace is Chandler’s middle name!!

    GOOD JOB!!

  18. oh honey yipppeee!!

    so glad all went well and you have a beautiful healthy and happy new baby girl!!

    love the name. and love all the family pictures.

    adorable friend 🙂


  19. WOW!! that was fast Krystyn…congrats on your beautiful baby girl…and I love the name. I am so happy for you! You look great too by the way!

  20. OMG I just got chills! I as SO not prepared for this!!! : ) (not that it matters that I wasn’t prepared, I was just expecting news like… we go in tomorrowo to check…) And there’s baby!!!

    Congratulations!!! I am SO happy for you all!!

    And you’re right, she does look just like Izzy!

    Welcome to the world Miss N! : )

  21. The Gerster Family says:

    PRAISE THE LORD! She is absolutely perfect and I love your natural little helper. 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all the other details!

  22. Wow I’m so surprised!! I wasn’t expecting an announcement so soon! Love her name, and all the pictures are adorable!! Congratulations, so happy for you!

  23. This is wonderful news! She is beautiful and so lucky to have such a great big sister.
    You look fantastic as well, nice work!
    Enjoy your time and don’t worry about posting, we will still all be here when you are ready!!

  24. Congratulations!! She’s gorgeous! Try to get some rest now… 🙂

  25. C

  26. Hi, Congratulations !!!! Your little N shares my Birthday, October 13th. I am so happy for you all and Praising God for such a wonderful little surprise !!! Many Blessings to you all !!! Happy Birthday to N !!!

  27. Congrats! She is gorgeous! Love the name!!

  28. Simply Shannon says:

    Congrats to you! She is gorgeous.
    I can’t wait to hear all about her arrival.

  29. Congrats to you, Matt & Izzy! I love those pictures of Izzy with N – that's so sweet. I am so glad everything worked out so wonderfully!

    And Happy Birthday to Izzy today!!

  30. She is beautiful!!!! Congrats! You did a great job mom! Enjoy every minute-they grow fast!!
    Our prayers were answered! Now I’ll be praying you’ll get some rest now that she’s here!


  31. Oh my goodness…I love those pics with Izzy and her…such a natural!!
    You look GREAT girl and I hope you are feeling good too!
    Happy Birthday Izzy! You are going to be a GREAT big sister!!


    Two things:
    1. You look freakin’ perfect and you just had a baby. This may make me hate you. I have to think about it.

    2. The picture of your husband and the baby was so cute it made me tear up. I can’t decide who is cuter in that picture: the baby or the Mr. Really.


  33. Congratulations….I am so happy for all of you. The prayers did pay off. I am so glad.

    She is so precious. I love the pictures with you, N and Izzy. You look great…how can you look so good right after giving birth?? …and…
    …How in the world did you publish this post so quickly??? I am amazed.

    So glad that all went well. (((hugs))) Lura

  34. jOni lAnE says:

    Welcome N! What a beautiful family. Take care of yourself and squeeze those sweet baby cheeks for me. 😉

  35. just found your blog. I wanted to say congrats! I love the picture of your two daughters meeting.

  36. YAY! CONGRATS!!! thats so exciting!!! I’m so happy you got to have the epidural too!!!

    very pretty name!!!

  37. I am so excited for you Krystyn!
    What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl!

    Why are you looking so fabulous?
    Didn’t you have a baby like a few hours ago?
    Not. fair.

  38. Congrats!! She’s ADORABLE! And you, pro, you, pushing for six minutes. Sheesh! Way to go!!

  39. Congrats!!! You and the precious new one look absolutely amazing!

  40. Oh, honey, she’s so beautiful!


    And what a great big sister she has….so sweet!!

  41. Congrats! I am so happy for you and your family! Only six minutes of pushing, wow!! What a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! Wishing you all the best!

  42. Yay!!!! Congratulations! That is just wonderful. Thank heavens for answered prayers. What a wonderful delivery!

    I love the name you picked. Just beautiful. And WOW! You look great for just having a baby!

    Congrats, again!

  43. MamaGeek @ Works For Us says:

    Krystyn, my friend, I neglect my Google Reader for a few days and you go and have a BEAUTIFUL BABY!

    CONGRATS! I am just SO stinking excited for you all. And I LOVE that name!

  44. oh my gosh, congrats!!! That is so awesome! Can’t wait to hear all about it:) XO, Clare

  45. And then there were four…OH! Im sooo happy!! Congratulations! She is SO gorgeous! Cant wait to hear the story, so glad she is here!!

  46. Sorry I’m a day late on the huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have had a stomach thing.
    Anyway, so happy for you and your beautiful family. I had guessed it was a girl and she is just beautiful.
    Glad you were able to get the epidural and you are past all the frustration.
    Izzy is going to be great with her!

  47. Adventures In Babywearing says:

    What a beautiful name! Congratulations to you! (I’m stopping by via Elaine!)


    How awesome
    I cant wait to hear all about it!

  49. Congrats honey pie!!!!
    She was born on my nephews birthday… How awesome…
    She’s BEAUTIFUL…
    You look AMAZING and beautiful too..
    Rejoicing that she is healthy.. you’re healthy…
    And yup.. hubby looks proud and he should be!!!
    I’m soooooooo happy for you!!

  50. OK so I have been out of touch with blogland and BAM YOU had the baby! OOOOOOO Congrats Congrats and she is beautiful….so beautiful I just want to CRY! OOOO
    OK so when you get a chance email me your address please I would like to send a card please!

  51. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! And woohoo about the epidural! You look so great in these pictures. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story, either. Hope everything is going well!

  52. Congratulations!! She’s adorable, and Izzy looks like she will adjust to her just fine. I’m so happy for you and your growing family!

  53. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!

  54. Congratulation:) Very cute little one

  55. Yeah Yeah Yeah for girls!!! Everyone looks great especially you missy!

  56. ahhhhh…


    excited for all of you!

  57. Smart A$$ Mom says:

    oh!! congrats!! you and the kids look awesome!!!

  58. Congrats! I’m glad all is well and both of you are healthy!! Can’t wait to see more pics soon 🙂 Take it easy – we all understand what it’s like….for the first YEAR! 🙂

  59. Stalked over to look at YOUR pictures again! I am so drooling! Makes me want another baby…esp a little girl but alas that ship sunk! Anyway wanted to say thanks and I am sending something out to you probably Monday or so…heheheh!

  60. MamaGeek @ Works For Us says:

    SHE is a an angel wrapped in perfection. ENJOY THAT BABY my friend!!

  61. OH. MY. GOSH.
    I’m behind in reading and can’t believe I missed this post!
    She is beautiful and so is her name!
    I’m so glad everything worked out perfectly, just the way it should.
    Can’t wait to join you on your journey as mom of two!
    Congrats and hugs to your whole family! BTW, you look great in these pics!

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